Course Reserves and Books on 7-day Loan

(Podium Floor)


Reserve Books :  During their course of study, students are required to read a number of supplementary materials in addition to their basic textbooks. These supplementary materials, usually recommended by teaching staff, together with books listed in the Textbook and Reference Book Lists form the basis of the Reserve Collection which can be borrowed as follows:

Categories of Users in
Library Regulations 5.4
Loan quota Loan Period
(i),(ii),(iii),(iv) &(v) 6 60 hours
(vi),(vii)&(viii) 4 24 hours

Reserve AV items :  Course-related AV materials on high demand recommended by teaching staff are kept in the AV Reserve Collection on the Podium floor. The loan period for the AV Reserve Collection is 3 hours. 

Books on 7-day Loan : In addition to the basic Reserve Books, some textbooks, recommended readings and highly demanded books on 7-day loan period are kept in the Reserve Collection on the Podium floor. 

Reserve books, Reserve AV items and Books on 7-day Loan can be returned to the Loan & Return Counter (P/F), designated self-check stations in the Library or via the 24x7 automated book return station.