On 17 July 2017, all eight UGC-funded university libraries will adopt one single cloud-based shared integrated library system and discovery platform to replace eight stand-alone library systems. The new shared library system will facilitate users to search, access and request print and shared electronic collections from the eight libraries in one go. During the system migration, every effort will be made to minimize service interruptions. Please note below the important dates for services affected:
6 June 2017 – 17 July 2017 |
Temporary suspension of HKALL book request & borrowing with JULAC CardDuring this period, eligible PolyU staff and students please use Interlibrary Loan Service (http://interloan.lib.polyu.edu.hk/illiad/) to request books from other UGC-funded university libraries. * Enquiry on Interlibrary Loan Service, please call 2766 6862. |
15 June 2017 | Due date of ALL HKALL books before launch of new system in July 2017 Due date of ALL PolyU items borrowed by JULAC Card holders, before launch of new system in July 2017 |
11 July 2017 | Last day to email or save “My Reading History” from myRecord (https://library.polyu.edu.hk/patroninfo) |
12 July – 17 July 2017 |
Suspension of 3 specific services
17 July 2017 |
New library system & OneSearch discovery platform go live
Thank you for your attention and support!