News & Events

Temporary suspension of HKALL book request & borrowing with JULAC Card

News Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 22:16

PolyU Library will be moving to a new library system in July 2017. To facilitate the process of migration:

6 June to early July

HKALL request service temporarily suspended. During this period, eligible users please use Interlibrary Loan Service to request books from other UGC-funded university libraries.

JULAC Library Card borrowing temporarily suspended.

15 June 2017 Due date of all books borrowed via HKALL or by JULAC Library Card.

Regs4ships (Trial)

News Monday, May 29, 2017 - 09:34

Regs4ships is a database containing maritime literature, including publications and regulations from IMO, Hong Kong Flag State and other authorities in the maritime industry e.g. European Union, International Labour Organisation, World Health Organisation, etc.

Expiry date: 30 June 2017

Server maintenance on OneSearch system

News Saturday, May 20, 2017 - 22:31

Please note that there is a server maintenance on OneSearch system started on 20/5/2017. Services are temporarily unavailable. For books request and renew, please make use of the classic catalogue at

We apologies for the inconvenience caused.

For further enquiries, please contact us at 2766-6864 or 2766-6909

Temporarily closure of 24-hour Study Centre (18-24 May)

News Thursday, May 18, 2017 - 18:58

Due to urgent maintenance work of the air-conditioning system, 24-hour Study Centre (L001) will be temporarily closed as schedule below:

Date and time

18 May (11:00pm)-19 May(8:30am)

19 May (11:00pm)-20 May(8:30am)

20 May (11:00pm)-21 May(12:00nn)

21 May (10:00pm)-22 May(8:30am)

22 May (11:00pm)-23 May(8:30am)

23 May (11:00pm)-24 May(8:30am)

Please go to Room P303-P307 for discussion during the affected period.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The Philosophers' Magazine (Trial)

News Thursday, May 18, 2017 - 10:19

Expiry date: 16 June 2017

Reminder: Phasing out of Flexicard Service on 1 July 2017

News Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 15:53

As all Library printers and copiers now accept Octopus card, Flexicard service will be phased out on 1 July 2017.  Please exhaust the remaining value in your Flexicard as soon as possible.  A printer in the Library can accept Flexicard payment until 30 June 2017. For assistance in refunding the card deposit and handling the remaining value of your Flexicard, please contact 3/F Technical Support Desk or call 2766-6890.

Thank you for your attention.

Partial Closure of Library area for Building and Moving Works in Summer (May – Sep 2017)

Notice Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 11:57

For enhancing the study environment, building and moving works will be carried out in Library according to the schedule below:

Location Work Description Work Period Arrangement
Front Staircase
1/F – 3/F
Flooring rectification 17 – 24 May
  • The staircase from 1/F – 3/F will be blocked
L501 & L505 Relocation of shelve, books and bound journals to Kwun Tong Remote Store 17 May – 7 Jun
  • Noise will be generated
L404 & L501 Relocation of shelve and books from L404 to L501 22 May – 12 Jun
  • Noise will be generated
  • Book fetching service in L404 for A-G will be affected
L404 & L505 Renovation 8 Jun – 15 Sep
  • Noise will be generated
  • L404 and L505 will be closed

If you need assistance in obtaining the books in Room L404, please contact P/F Loan & Return Counter for assistance.

Noise generated from the relocation and rectification works is unavoidable.  Library will try shortening the noisy work duration and minimize the disturbance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your forbearance.

PolyU Stories (1937-2017) - An Exhibition Celebrating PolyU 80th Anniversary (理大的故事 (1937-2017) --恭賀理大八十週年校慶回顧展)

News Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 11:08

In celebration of PolyU’s 80th anniversary, the Library organizes an exhibition to showcase the University’s achievements and contributions to the betterment of Hong Kong, the nation and the world over the years. Books, videos, photos and Library materials that record life in PolyU are exhibited. The event opens to PolyU Library eligible users only. 

Date : 17 May  to 14 July 2017 
Time : 8:30 am - 11:00 pm (Mon-Sat) & 12noon - 10pm (Sun)
Venue : Outside Multipurpose Hall (P/F), Library

[Publishing Seminar] Peer Review: Basics and Benefits (by Wiley)

Event Monday, May 15, 2017 - 14:40



Register Now!

Peer review is a fundamental pillar of the journal publication process: it is the primary way in which the vast majority of journals assess and select content for publication. Understanding how it contributes to the research publication process is integral to early researchers' careers and their active involvement in the larger research community. This seminar will help post-graduate students and early-career researchers learn the fundamentals of peer review and understand its implication on how a manuscript is assessed and distributed.

This talk will cover the peer review process from the moment a manuscript is submitted to its acceptance. It highlights the benefits and challenges of peer review for the author, editor, and reviewer, as well as the developments that maintain and improve the rigor and efficiency of this essential process.

  • Learn the fundamentals of peer review
  • Understand the mechanics of the peer review process, how editors perform review, and how a decision is made after peer review
  • Understand the challenges and benefits of peer review for author, editor and reviewer
  • Hear about current trends to give reviewers greater recognition
Date : 23 May 2017 (Tue)
Time : 3:00 - 4:00pm
Venue : Learning Lab 1, 3/F, Library
Speaker : Mr. James W. Murphy (Director, Research and Professional, Wiley)
Registration : Please click on this link for registration.

About the Speaker


Based in Beijing, James leads Wiley's scientific, technical, medical and scholarly publishing activities in Greater China. This includes publishing peer reviewed English-language journals for the global market on the behalf of academic societies and research institutes, as well as driving Chinese authorship for Wiley's global portfolio of journals, books, and other online content. He is a member of Wiley’s Intellectual Property Group, which advises on best practice for retractions and ethics issues for Wiley’s partner journals. He also speaks regularly on subjects related to paper submission techniques, peer review, open access and publishing ethics.

James has an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Oregon with a B.A. in East Asian Languages and Literatures.
