Past News & Events

[LER] Closure of Toilets at Staircase No. 1 Areas and Provision of Drinking Water Dispensers (17 May to Mid-Sep 2021)

Notice Monday, May 17, 2021 - 18:41
To improve and upgrade the toilet facilities, the toilets at Staircase No. 1 areas are temporarily closed from 17 May 2021 to Mid-September 2021 for renovation. During this period, Library users may use the toilets at Staircase No. 2 areas as follows: 


Staircase No. 2 of the Library: G/F 1/F P/F 3/F 4/F 5/F
Female Student Toilet      
Male Student Toilet        

Users who need to use the Accessible Toilet, please approach Loan & Return Counter (P/F) or call 2766-6864 for assistance.

At the same time, drinking water dispensers are available at the following locations:

Drinking Water Dispensers

Staircase No. 1 of the Library: G/F 1/F P/F 3/F 4/F 5/F
Water Dispensers    



Visit and bookmark this webpage for the latest news on LER Project!

The renovation works will involve some noise and disruption. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding. 

Nine Modes Manual Online《九宮大成》電子版

News Friday, May 14, 2021 - 09:20

Nine Modes Manual Online

The Nine Modes Comprehensive Northern and Southern Lyric Melody Manual (Jiugong dacheng nanbei ci gongpu), commonly abbreviated to Nine Modes Manual (Jiugong dacheng or JGDC), is one of the oldest and most comprehensive collections of Chinese vocal melodies in existence. Completed in the ninth year of the Qianlong Emperor’s reign (1744), the imperially commissioned anthology organizes pieces of diverse origins by region (“North” and “South”) and traditional mode-key categories. It provides rhythmic and melodic notations for performing pieces in the Kun aria singing style popular among elites at the time.

The Nine Modes Manual Online website is a digitization of this full collection by the Department of Chinese Culture for purposes of researching traditional Chinese poetry and vocal arts. It allows users to view originals (“full-text”), prosodic analyses of pieces of the same title (“prosody”), and machine-generated sheet music notations (“sheet”). One may search for and compare pieces and lines using a wide range of filtering parameters, and tools for analyzing aspects of melody, rhythm, prosody, and their interactions are also provided.




Publishing with Cell Press in Material Science

News Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - 11:14

Thinking of publishing your next paper in a Cell Press journal? Wish to get some tips from the editors?

In this webinar, Dr. Jiqing Sun, Scientific Editor from Matter, will share with you the editorial process and some tips of publishing in Cell Press journals. The following topics will be discussed:  

  • Cell Press and the Journal Introduction
  • In house editorial and peer review process
  • Editor's insights

Matter is a new journal from Cell Press and a sister journal to Cell, Chem and Joule. It publishes high-profile papers in the field of material science, providing a platform for the innovative material papers from all fields, including bio-material, energy material and optical material, etc. Matter has been indexed in Web of Science SCIE since Oct 2020.

All postgraduate students and staff in material science and related fields are welcome!

Date: 25 May 2021 (Tue)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00pm
Platform: Learn@PolyU (Collaborate Ultra)
Speaker: Dr. Jiqing Sun (Scientific Editor of Matter, Cell Press)

Register Now!
Registration will close on the day before the scheduled webinar.

About the Speaker:

Photo of speaker

Jiqing Sun is the Scientific Editor of Matter, Cell Press. He received dual Ph.D. degrees from Griffith University (Australia) and NCNST (CAS, China). He specializes in emerging two-dimensional materials and carbon-based materials. His doctoral work focused on the field of electrochemistry, including oxygen-involved electrochemical reactions and batteries.

Hearty gift ❤ for our Social Media Followers

News Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 13:45

For PolyU staff & student only

We have prepared a gift for our social media followers – a combo of keyring and mobile phone stand homemade at Markerspace@Library.
Come and redeem the gift at the Enquiry Counter, P/F, Library from 3 - 14 May.

First-come-first-served while stocks last.

If you haven’t followed any of our social media channels yet, take action NOW.


Also, we wish the Best of Luck on Your Exams!

PolyU Library

SAGE Video (Trial)

News Monday, April 12, 2021 - 11:48

SAGE Video provides educational videos across key social science disciplines. Each collection includes a breadth of video types to support research and learning needs. The following collections are opened for trial :

  • Business & Management
  • Education
  • Media, Communication & Cultural Studies
  • Politics & International Relations
  • Sociology

Expiry date: 31 May 2021

Library Special Reminders During Revision & Exam Period (12 Apr - 15 May 2021)

Notice Friday, April 9, 2021 - 08:44

Library Hours During Revision & Examination Period

12 Apr - 15 May: 
(Mon-Sun & P.H.)

8:30 - 22:00

Alternative Overnight Study Space
The 24-hour Study Centre located on G/F is now closed but alternative overnight study space is available in CD301 - 304 and Communal Space. For details, please click here.

Quiet Study Environment
Silence must be observed in the Library except in designated areas. Users who do not comply with the policy may be asked to leave the Library.

A Variety of Individual Study Spaces
Study carrels are available on 4/F and 5/F for walk-in use. Research carrels (Zone A and Zone C) and study seats in Research Carrels (Zone B) on 3/F are open for booking by eligible users one day in advance via iBooking System.

Be Considerate and Check out Facilities after Use
Tap your PolyU ID Card on the check-out reader nearby to release your booked group rooms on G/F and 3/F, research carrels, and study seats in carrels on 3/F after use.

Past Examination Papers 
PolyU Examination Paper Database collects the examination papers received from academic departments of the university. Need Past Papers to prepare for your Exam? Try it now!

Please be reminded that Library users are required to always wear a mask properly that covers their mouth and nose, practice social distancing, and observe personal hygiene. 
