Past News & Events

24-Hour Study Centre at 1/F North Wing is open now!

Notice Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 17:57

The 24-Hour Study Centre located on 1/F North Wing is open around the clock*. During the overnight access period, the Centre is only accessible by current PolyU students and staff via the 1/F entrance opposite to the Campus Control Centre (P111). Users are required to tap their PolyU staff / student ID cards when entering and leaving the 24-Hour Study Centre. For details, please click here.


* Notes:


  • To make necessary arrangements for overnight access and cleaning services, all users will be required to leave the Centre one hour before the Library closes. The Centre will normally re-open in 15 minutes after completion of clearance procedures. Users in need of study space during the clearance period may continue to use other study areas in the Library.
  • The Centre will be closed when typhoon signal No.8 or above is hoisted.


Library Opening Hours - Mid-Autumn Festival & the day following Mid-Autumn Festival

Notice Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 10:26
The Library will be closed at 7pm on 21 Sep 2021 (Mid-Autumn Festival) and for the whole day on 22 September 2021 (Wednesday). PolyU students and staff may use the overnight study area after Library closes. Click here to learn more about our service hours.

May we take this opportunity to wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Pao Yue-kong Library

Library’s Term Time Hours with effect from 30 August 2021

Notice Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 11:41

New semester is coming! PolyU Library will open 8.30am – 11.00pm Monday through Saturday, and 12 noon – 10.00pm Sunday during term time from 30 August 2021. The new 24-Hour Study Centre at 1/F North Wing is expected to come into service by the second half of September 2021. During this transitional period, temporary overnight study space for students and staff is available in Block CD after Library closes. As the pandemic situation is evolving, please always refer to the Library homepage for the latest service arrangement. 

Please be reminded that Library users are required to always wear a mask properly that cover their mouth and nose, practise social distancing and observe personal hygiene.

For enquiry about Library services, please contact our Library staff at 2766 6863 or email to

A New Look for the Library Website

News Monday, July 26, 2021 - 16:51
To enhance user experience, the Library website has been revamped with a fresh new look. The highlights of the website redesign include:
1. Refreshed overall look and feel of the website.
2. Enhanced navigation and content display for a wide array of mobile devices.
3. Sticky navigation sidebar to make frequently used library services visible at all times.
4. Display of real-time availability of loanable notebook computers.
5. Improved navigation for quick and easy access to information on library resources, services, events and projects.
6. Social media sharing feature at the top of each web page.
We're excited to bring you these improvements for the new academic year. Explore the revamped Library website now!

[截止日期延至8月13日] 贏取往日本交流機會,參加「笹川杯品書知日本」 2021 徵文比賽!

News Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:46

[Deadline Extended to 13 August] A Chance to Win a Cultural Exchange Tour to Japan: Write a Reflection on a Japan-Themed Book






  1. 徵文
  2. 截止時間
  3. 徵文對象
  4. 投稿方式
    1) 請通過電郵投稿,徵文稿須為word格式。
    2) 投稿接收郵箱:
    3) 投稿電郵主題請寫:《品書知日本2021》投稿
    4) 徵文稿件的檔案名格式為:姓名--學生証號碼--徵文的標題。例如:張三--20123456D--京都 漫步
    5) 本次比賽進入全國決賽階段後,將採用匿名審稿機制,請確定文章內沒有出現姓名和學校資料。
  5. 稿件要求
    1) 徵文語言:中文/日文
    2) 字數限制:1500-2000字(不符合字數要求的徵文將被篩除)
    3) 文章體裁:自由(散文、詩歌除外)
    4) 格式要求:本次比賽以「書」為主題,請在文末以章節附註形式注明所閱圖書名稱及參考文獻。
  6. 徵文聲明:
    1) 參加過其他徵文活動並獲獎的作品不能參選。
    2) 獲獎作品的版權歸本活動主辦者所有,獲獎作品不能參加其他同類徵文活動。
    3) 應徵作品一律不予退稿,請參賽者自留底稿。
  7. 徵文獎勵
    1) 理大校初選:
    2) 全國決賽評選:
  8. 徵文官網
  9. 評審結果


  1. 主辦單位: 上海交通大學圖書館、日本科學協會、人民中國雜誌社
  2. 理大校初賽評審單位: 包玉剛圖書館、中文及雙語學系

READ@PolyU X Cultural July: Get FREE Book Fair ticket and meet renowned authors

News Thursday, June 24, 2021 - 08:33

A total of 50 complimentary tickets to the Hong Kong Book Fair, sponsored by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, will be given to PolyU students who attend a seminar in the “English and International Reading Series” at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) onsite. Let’s meet internationally renowned authors and delve into the world of literary pleasure together.

Seats are limited. Follow the steps below to redeem your FREE ticket.

  1. Sign up here. If successful, the Library will email you an information package with the ticket redemption slip.
  2. Follow the instruction in the information package and pre-register for an English Seminar at the Hong Kong Book Fair website. After which, you will receive a confirmation email.
  3. Prior to attending the English Seminar, show the softcopy of your (1) pre-registered seminar confirmation email and (2) the information package, as well as your (3) student ID card onsite.
  4. After attending the English seminar, you can redeem a complimentary Book Fair ticket, while stocks last.

You are required to join one of the seminars of “English and International Reading Series” below.

International Speakers (based in HK)

Painter and Patron: Illustrations of the Maritime Silk Road in 16th century Códice Casanatense

by Peter Gordon (USA) and Juan José Morales (Spain)

Time: 6pm-7:30pm, 15 July (Thu)

“Keeping the Record”: Journeys with a Mission and Over the Years

by Dr. Gillian Bickley (UK)

Time: 3pm-4:30pm, 17 July (Sat)

China’s Russian Princess: The Silent Wife of Chiang Ching-kuo

by Mark O’Neill (UK)

Time: 3pm-4:30pm, 19 July (Mon)

International Authors

Writing & The Power of Listening

by Heather Morris (New Zealand)

Time: 1pm-2:30pm, 16 July (Fri)

Monkey King: A Hero for the Ages with Neil Gaiman and Julia Lovell

by Neil Gaiman (UK) and Julia Lovell (UK)

Time: 6pm-7:30pm, 16 July (Fri)

The Painting That Changed My Life

by Jeremy Vine (UK)

Time: 6pm-7:30pm, 17 July (Sat)

Writing Outside Your Experience – from contemporary to fantasy and beyond

by Brigid Kemmerer (USA)

Time: 3pm-4:30pm, 18 July (Sun)

Should you have further enquiries, please contact us by email at

Pao Yue-kong Library

贏取往日本交流機會,參加「笹川杯品書知日本」 2021 徵文比賽!

News Monday, June 7, 2021 - 08:52

A Chance to Win a Cultural Exchange Tour to Japan: Write a Reflection on a Japan-Themed Book






  1. 徵文
  2. 截止時間
  3. 徵文對象
  4. 投稿方式
    1) 請通過電郵投稿,徵文稿須為word格式。
    2) 投稿接收郵箱:
    3) 投稿電郵主題請寫:《品書知日本2021》投稿
    4) 徵文稿件的檔案名格式為:姓名--學生証號碼--徵文的標題。例如:張三--20123456D--京都 漫步
    5) 本次比賽進入全國決賽階段後,將採用匿名審稿機制,請確定文章內沒有出現姓名和學校資料。
  5. 稿件要求
    1) 徵文語言:中文/日文
    2) 字數限制:1500-2000字(不符合字數要求的徵文將被篩除)
    3) 文章體裁:自由(散文、詩歌除外)
    4) 格式要求:本次比賽以「書」為主題,請在文末以章節附註形式注明所閱圖書名稱及參考文獻。
  6. 徵文聲明:
    1) 參加過其他徵文活動並獲獎的作品不能參選。
    2) 獲獎作品的版權歸本活動主辦者所有,獲獎作品不能參加其他同類徵文活動。
    3) 應徵作品一律不予退稿,請參賽者自留底稿。
  7. 徵文獎勵
    1) 理大校初選:
    2) 全國決賽評選:
  8. 徵文官網
  9. 評審結果


  1. 主辦單位: 上海交通大學圖書館、日本科學協會、人民中國雜誌社
  2. 理大校初賽評審單位: 包玉剛圖書館、中文及雙語學系

Use the Library’s Bookmarklet to access e-Resources when off-campus

News Monday, May 31, 2021 - 16:40

Do you often find journal articles from Google, Google Scholar, or publisher websites but end up with a payment request? The good news is that if the Library has already subscribed to the e-Resources you need, you can easily access it with just one click!

Install the Library’s Bookmarklet on your browser to seamlessly connect Library’s purchased e-Resources from web searches or publisher websites. Watch this short video to see how to install and how it works!

In addition to the Bookmarklet, also access e-Resources via the links on the Library’s web pages or OneSearch as this will direct you to authenticate with your NetID using the EZProxy function. You will gain access after successful authentication

PolyU staff can access e-Resources via Remote Desktop in your office computer. To do this, you will first need to register your office computer for remote access from off-campus. For details, please visit the FAQ page provided by ITS. When you are off-campus, Global Protect VPN service is not needed to access Library’s e-Resources.

If you have further questions on connecting to Library’s e-Resources remotely, email us at, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian, or contact us.

[LER] Closure of Toilets at Staircase No. 1 Areas and Provision of Drinking Water Dispensers (17 May to Mid-Sep 2021)

Notice Monday, May 17, 2021 - 18:41
To improve and upgrade the toilet facilities, the toilets at Staircase No. 1 areas are temporarily closed from 17 May 2021 to Mid-September 2021 for renovation. During this period, Library users may use the toilets at Staircase No. 2 areas as follows: 


Staircase No. 2 of the Library: G/F 1/F P/F 3/F 4/F 5/F
Female Student Toilet      
Male Student Toilet        

Users who need to use the Accessible Toilet, please approach Loan & Return Counter (P/F) or call 2766-6864 for assistance.

At the same time, drinking water dispensers are available at the following locations:

Drinking Water Dispensers

Staircase No. 1 of the Library: G/F 1/F P/F 3/F 4/F 5/F
Water Dispensers    



Visit and bookmark this webpage for the latest news on LER Project!

The renovation works will involve some noise and disruption. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding. 

Nine Modes Manual Online《九宮大成》電子版

News Friday, May 14, 2021 - 09:20

Nine Modes Manual Online

The Nine Modes Comprehensive Northern and Southern Lyric Melody Manual (Jiugong dacheng nanbei ci gongpu), commonly abbreviated to Nine Modes Manual (Jiugong dacheng or JGDC), is one of the oldest and most comprehensive collections of Chinese vocal melodies in existence. Completed in the ninth year of the Qianlong Emperor’s reign (1744), the imperially commissioned anthology organizes pieces of diverse origins by region (“North” and “South”) and traditional mode-key categories. It provides rhythmic and melodic notations for performing pieces in the Kun aria singing style popular among elites at the time.

The Nine Modes Manual Online website is a digitization of this full collection by the Department of Chinese Culture for purposes of researching traditional Chinese poetry and vocal arts. It allows users to view originals (“full-text”), prosodic analyses of pieces of the same title (“prosody”), and machine-generated sheet music notations (“sheet”). One may search for and compare pieces and lines using a wide range of filtering parameters, and tools for analyzing aspects of melody, rhythm, prosody, and their interactions are also provided.



