IT Services

3D Printing Service

To meet the needs of users and to allow users to experience the new technology, the Library is piloting the 3D Printing Service in 3/F Research Enhancement Centre.  The service is provided with a desktop 3D printer using PLA materials.  

The printing charge of each print output is based on the following calculations:

  Base charge HK$20 + Materials charge at HK$1/gram

For instance, an output using 60 grams of materials will cost HK$80 (= $20 base charge + $60 materials charge).

Note that the printing takes time, depending on the object size, design, layer height and complexity. The Library’s current 3D printer may take 1 hour for printing an object in 10 grams. Users will be given an estimated pickup date and time when placing the printing request.

To request for the printing service, users can book an appointment session online up to 3 days in advance.  Two appointment sessions are available each day from Mondays to Fridays.  Due to limitation of resources, all authorized users except JULAC Card holders and Reader’s Ticket holders are eligible for the service.  For more information about this new service and technology, please visit our Library webpage on 3D Printing and FAQ on 3D Printing.

3D Printing

Free WiFi Service for Visitors and Guests

3D PrintingFree Wi-Fi service, WiFi.HK, has been extended to the Library area for all users and visitors, other than the University’s open space on campus. Users can enjoy 120 minutes of free Wi-Fi service after accepting the terms and conditions. On expiry of the current session, users can continue the next session for another 120 minutes of service after accepting the terms and requirements again. For more details on using this Wi-Fi service, please visit the Webpage on WiFi.HK.

Users eligible for accessing PolyU Wireless Network (PolyULAN), Universities Wifi or Eduroam are encouraged to consider these networks first.  

Interactive Kiosk – Upgrade

Using HTML5 in its coding and page compilation, the Library’s Interactive Kiosks on P/F and 3/F have been upgraded to display the Library information in a timely manner.  Information can now be updated instantly in the Kiosk in line with those on the Library Homepage.  The kiosk now displays not only floor directory, Library hours and loan privileges but also the real time availability of bookable facilities in the Library.

With this facility availability display on the Kiosk, users can find out how many and which bookable computers, research carrels and group rooms are available in real time right at the entrance of the Library.   Of course, similar information can also be found on the landing page of Library Homepage.

3D Printing