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READ@PolyU: How to tell Asian stories on the international stage

Each one of us has a story to tell about our home.

But the way we connect with readers at home and abroad varies drastically. For those with whom we share a home, we're an array of cultural symbols and the ringing hammer of nostalgia. But for those who know little or nothing about our homes, we must adopt new ways of storytelling and step beyond the confines of our comfort zones.

「笹川杯品書知日本」 2019 徴文大賽理大校內初選結果


得獎者 所屬學系 作品題目
羅國鈞同學 建築及房地產學系 偽原罪與原罪 — 三浦綾子寫於《冰點》的救贖
王媛同學 工商管理學院 這份熱愛多麼讓人喜歡 — 談金子美鈴的詩與人生

