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Open Access (OA) generally refers to making scientific and scholarly knowledge and information freely accessible online. There is a global trend in providing open access to research and scholarly outputs, e.g. articles, conference papers, working papers, theses, etc. To know more about the definition of Open Access, view Open Access Overview by Peter Suber (Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College, Open Access Project Director at Public Knowledge, and Senior Researcher at SPARC).
Here are two main routes for providing OA to research article:
- Publish the article in an OA journal, or select an "open access" option in a subscription journal (referred to as a hybrid journal)
- Deposit a copy of the research papers into an OA Repository.
PolyU Institutional Research Archive (PolyU IRA) is an online platform that collects and disseminates the research and scholarly outputs created by the PolyU community. By showcasing the publications, research interests, activities and academic achievement of PolyU scholars, the PolyU IRA aims to increase the visibility of the University’s research and facilitate knowledge transfer. All PolyU academic and researchers are welcomed to deposit electronic copies of their peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings (author’s final accepted manuscript) in PolyU IRA for open access.
Making your research output openly accessible will help you reach out to a wider audience and maximize the impact of your research.