
Available at : Online Access
Off-campus Access Rights : P - PolyU Staff/Students only

《古今圖書集成》收錄上古到明末清初的古代文獻資料, 內容無所不包,凡舉天文地理、政治經濟、軍事法律、哲學倫理、科舉教育、文化藝術、音樂舞蹈、琴棋詩畫、宗教神話、禽蟲草木、農桑漁牧、醫藥偏方、油鹽茶酒、木陶舟車等各種領域,並有六千多幅精美圖表解析,具有極高的實用史料價值。

Important Notes:

  • Users should not use Virtual Private Network (VPN) service when accessing e-resources from off campus. This may trigger suspension of user's account.
  • For security reason, you are advised to change NetPassword regularly via IdPortal and follow the password rules. Please visit the ITS website for details.