Featured Resources for Faculty of Engineering
This issue will introduce a series of library resources for two specific types of materials – standards and conference proceedings. Both are essential sources for conducting research and practical work in engineering and computer science.
Finding Standards
- IHS Engineering Workbench
By IHS Markit (Firm) - IEEE Xplore Digital Library
By Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IHS Engineering Workbench is a consolidated platform for accessing standards published by hundreds of standard developing organizations (SDO). Our current subscription covers over 245,000 standards from AATCC, ANSI, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, BSI, CEI, CIE, IEC, IPC, ISO, JIS(JSA), NFPA, and UL. One third of the documents are British Standards (BS), while around one sixth are ISO standards. IHS Engineering Workbench does not cover the full text of IEEE standards, which are available via IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Note that due to license restrictions, access to IHS Engineering Workbench is limited to current PolyU students and staff, and within Hong Kong only.
Finding Conference Proceedings
Many engineering professional associations have developed their own database of journals and conference proceedings published by the organization. Our subscription covers IEEE, ACM, ASCE, ASME, ICE and AIP, in full-text and/or abstracts. To look for conference proceedings in a particular subject area, e.g. computer science, you may go directly to IEEE Xplore Digital Library or ACM Digital Library, either search by subject keywords, or browse by conference name. To find conference proceedings across different publishers, you can try an abstract and indexing database, e.g. Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Scopus, or CNKI.
Media Resources
Introduction to nanotechnology the new science of small
[T174.7.I677 DVD]
"Nanotechnology is today's most powerful engine of innovation, turning cutting-edge research into applications at an astonishing rate. Now, in the 24 accessible and visually rich half-hour lectures of Introduction to Nanotechnology: The New Science of Small, get an in-depth explanation of this groundbreaking, interdisciplinary science that operates at the level of atoms and molecules. You’ll learn about once-fantastical applications that are transforming tools, products, and services in the communications, technology, medical, energy, and engineering worlds, and that hold great promise for meeting some of society's greatest challenges"--thegreatcourses.com.
A.I. your new brain = AI 你的另一個大腦
[Q335 .A396 2018 DVD]
"1997年,超級電腦「深藍」打敗了當時的西洋棋世界冠軍卡斯巴羅夫。2012年11月,谷歌的人工智慧公司DeepMind開發的人工智慧程式「阿法狗」,打敗圍棋世界冠軍李世乭。同樣都是人工智慧的勝利,「阿法狗」與「深藍」完全不同,「阿法狗」運用更接近人類思維的方法來解決問題。科技界將人工智慧視作解決問題的夢幻工具,目前已經被運用到許多面向上。如醫療影像辨識技術,已經能夠利用人工智慧,協助辨識出腫瘤位置,甚至將來還可能發展出預測疾病的能力。人工智慧能做到越來越多以前只有人類才能完成的事情,不只是醫療、駕車等專業工作,甚至也跨足到作曲、繪畫這類的創造性事務。那麼,人與機器的關係將會如何演變呢?在未來世界,誰掌控了人工智慧,誰就擁有至高無上的權力。"-- from this DVD container
New Additions & Trial Databases
[Expiry: 15 Jun 2019]NoveList provides information and reading recommendations on fictions for all ages.