e-Bulletin (February 2018, Issue 106)

Featured Resources for Business

Bloomberg Professional Services and Thomson Reuters Eikon are two of the most widely used financial information platforms by expert practitioners, providing access to business data, charting tools, company fundamentals, consensus estimates, breaking news, and research analyses across the global markets. Both platforms deliver unparalleled coverage across asset classes, including equities, fixed income, foreign exchange, commodities, derivatives and more. Through these insightful data sources, news and analytics you will be able to make informed business decisions with confidence.

Bloomberg Professional Services are available at Workstations REC WS1,3,6 &7, while Thomson Reuters Eikon, at Workstation REC WS8, in the Research Enhancement Centre, 3/F, Library. Reserve the workstation via iBooking system first. Both Bloomberg Professional Services and Thomson Reuters Eikon can be accessible by PolyU students and staff only.
Bloomberg Professional Services
Thomson Reuters Eikon

Media Resources

The Bitcoin Experiment

[HG1710. B5 2016 DVD]

Is Scandinavia ready for Bitcoin? This is starting point for "The Bitcoin Experiment," a road movie about the Bitcoin blockchain and digital currency. Amund Sjølie Sveen takes us on a road trip from Oslo via Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Stockholm and further up in Sweden. Along the way he seeks out environments and meet people who have a relationship with Bitcoin, as users, lawyers, government officials, enthusiasts and sceptics. The trip ends up in the small community Boden in Norrbotten in the north of Sweden. Here he finds what might be called the Heart of Bitcoin…. — from this DVD container.

The Bitcoin Experiment


[HG1285 .R46 DVD]

"在過去的30年,中國政府通過資本管制,利率管制,固定匯率採取出口導向的發展戰略等,促使了經濟得到長足的發展。然而,金融危機使得外部的貨幣環境不斷惡化,歐元和美元急速跳水,關於人民幣能否成為國際儲備貨備貨幣成為了一個議論的焦點。那麼,人民幣國際化能否順利完成?中國有哪些優勢和不足?國際經濟形勢的不斷變化,機會,我們應如何把握?本集邀請了瑞穗證券瑞穗亞洲公司董事總經理,復旦大學經濟學院客座教授沈建光與你探討" — from this DVD container.


New Additions & Trial Databases