Featured Resources for Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Anatomy & Physiology Online
Anatomy & Physiology Online includes 20 comprehensive modules on human body with clear 3D images and interactive models, narrated animations and illustrations, dissection slides, clinical case studies, information on the impact of aging, pronunciation guide and quizzes.
CINAHL Complete
CINAHL Complete is an indispensable research tool for nursing and allied health professionals and researchers. This database provides broad content coverage, including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more.
Core content includes:
- Full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL Database
- Indexing for more than 5,400 journals
- Searchable cited references for more than 1,500 journals
- Full text dating back to 1937
- More than 5.5 million records
- Author affiliations
CINAHL Complete also integrates with PlumX metrics, featuring five categories: Usage, Captures, Mentions, Social Media and Citations. This option will definitely allow users to have a view of modern metrics to uncover new research insights.
Media Resources
Supercells = 超級細胞
[QH588.S83 S96 2016 DVD]
“醫學救星幹細胞, 讓人造器官從科幻變現實. 聽起來像科幻小說的情節, 醫生從患者的髖骨提取幹細胞, 培育出人造器官讓患者重獲新生. 在俄羅斯的醫院裡, 保羅馬齊瑞尼醫生將人造氣管植入茱莉亞體內. 茱莉亞原是位芭蕾舞者, 完美人生卻毀於車禍, 她將重生的希望交給他. 保羅馬齊瑞尼是當今最有名的外科醫生, 也是位再生藥物學教授和科學家. 他和團隊想突破醫療極限, 不再依賴器官捐贈是其終極目標. 本片紀錄完整醫療過程, 揭露幹細胞科學領域幕後故事. 幹細胞, 被視為是醫學救星, 能治癒大多數身體疾病, 因為它能替換不健康的細胞, 生成新的組織器官, 更是人類長生不老的關鍵.” -- from the DVD case cover.
Medical wellness: concepts and observations
[RA776 .M424 2015 DVD]
“The 2015 Medical Wellness Association Forum is kicked off with the opening remarks of Chris Breuleux, MWA'S founder and executive director. Next, John Munson addresses the point that wellness is a cross-disciplinary concept that is an internationally recognized way to get people from all cultures to talk to each other, given that as a rule, everyone, in every culture, is interested in enhancing their own level of well-being. Furthermore, the DVD explains that individuals tend to have a minimal understanding of the wellness concept. This part of the DVD then concludes by exploring the fact that a great need exists for multi-cultural wellness training. Next, the DVD continues with internationally renowned weight loss authority, Donna Krech, offering a compelling overview of her experiences, as a case study, with regard to losing weight. The underlying premise of her insights is that for someone who needs to lose weight, weight loss never really works. Among the topics covered: Opening remarks (Chris Breuleux), What wellness is today (John Munson), Losing weight: a case study (Donna Krech).” – -- from the DVD case cover.
New Additions & Trial Databases
[Expiry: 31 Aug 2017]
AgeLine is an abstract database which covers literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. It indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports.
BMJ Best Practice
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]This online resource provides evidence based research, guidelines and expert opinion in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in clinical situation.