JULAC Information Literacy Project
- Course Enhancement Funds 2016-2017
The project aims to develop strong librarian partnerships with faculty members and to enhance information literacy (IL) teaching and learning in subject-related course contexts. 40 Course Enhancement Funds were offered to teaching staff of the eight UGC-funded participating institutions (HK$15,000 for each of the five recipients from each institution) who are interested to work with librarians in developing new IL content.
At PolyU, five fund recipients have been selected by the PolyU Course Enhancement Funds Review Panel as follows:
- Dr. Anson Wong, School of Accounting and Finance; Dr. Derek Yim, School of Accounting and Finance; Mr. William Ho, Library (team entry)
- Dr. Edmond W.M. Lam, Department of Building and Real Estate
- Dr. Yu-Yin Hsu, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
- Prof. Winnie Yu, Institute of Textiles and Clothing
- Dr. Peter Chuah, School of Design
Congratulations to all!
Source: Image from Creative Commons
- Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA-HK)
As an integral part of the project, Research Readiness Self-Assessment (RRSA-HK) was carried out in Sep 2016. Each of the 8 UGC participating libraries invited 200 first-year undergraduate students to take this test, which is designed to measure and give immediate feedback to help students understand how well they can evaluate, and use information as a university student.
The test had been conducted in PolyU Library and the results of this project will surely provide valuable insights for the development of the interactive multimedia courseware as well our information literacy programmes!
Source: Image from Creative Commons
Library Orientation for Students
To encourage the participation of the Library Orientation, students who completed the orientation quiz could enter into the lucky draw to win a $100 book coupon. On 22 Nov 2016, 10 winners were invited to the Orientation Quiz Prize Presentation Ceremony.
Dr Shirley Wong, University Librarian (5th from the left) and Information Services staff with the lucky draw winners and their representatives.
Searching as Strategic Exploration
To help students to search for information, Library workshops were organized in Oct 2016 on various subject areas and information tools.
With sharpened information skills, users could make the most out of Library resources, develop search strategies, identify suitable information sources to keep updated on latest research trends. Participants of the workshops received guidance from instructors on finding-resources for their unique information needs.
- Ovid Resources on Medicine and Health Sciences
- Finding Standards in the Library: Workshop on IHS Standards Expert
- Finding Dissertations using Digital Dissertation Consortium Database
- WGSN workshop
PolyU Education Info Day 2016 - Welcome to our Library!
Prospective students from various secondary schools were able to see a whole array of services and facilities of our Library. 7,023 visitors explored the Library on their own time and 190 visitors also joined Library tours arranged at different time intervals.