Library Orientation 2016-2017

Join a Library orientation session arranged by your department or register online.
To enable part time postgraduate students to know more about the abundant Library resources and facilities Library offers, evening sessions are also available for enrollment.
To enable part time postgraduate students to know more about the abundant Library resources and facilities Library offers, evening sessions are also available for enrollment.
Which Citation Style Should I Use?
“Citation Guides by Subjects” is a special guide on citation, featuring style and format required by individual subject disciplines. Within each guide template, we provide citation examples such as books and articles as well as their presentation on in-text and reference list. Moreover, relevant information on citation requirements of renowned journals and a section on understanding and avoiding plagiarism are also displayed.
Where To Find Information On My Subject?
A newly designed platform is now available for use. The design is web responsive and it is easy to use keywords to search for useful materials!
Let’s check it out!
Let’s check it out!
WhatsApp Extended Service Hours – More Convenient To Get In Touch!
Tel : 6423-0820
9:00 am - 7:00 pm (Mon - Sat) and 12:00 nn - 7:00 pm (Sun/public holidays when Library opens).
9:00 am - 7:00 pm (Mon - Sat) and 12:00 nn - 7:00 pm (Sun/public holidays when Library opens).

Literacy in the Disciplines (LID) Website And Library Resources
Library Resources on Engineering, Science and Social Science have been integrated into discipline specific writing guidance provided on the LID website. The LID website is the result of Supporting and developing students’ English literacy practices in the disciplines, a UGC funded inter-institutional collaborative project led by the ELC, PolyU together with the language centers of CityU and HKBU.
The LID project aims to create a stimulating learning environment for students, content teachers and language teachers to become conversant with disciplinary genres. Working with the faculty in the disciplines, ELC colleagues have analysed, developed and integrated information sources and materials in different subject areas online. Subject Guides developed by the Library that provide information and links on the templates will enable students to get to core subject databases, resources and online aids efficiently.
JULAC Information Literacy Project - Course Enhancement Funds 2016-2017

A total of five Course Enhancement Funds, HK$15,000 each, are available for application by teaching staff to co-design subject elements with library professionals to enhance students’ information literacy.
The funds are provided by the UGC teaching and learning project “Enhancing information literacy in Hong Kong higher education through the development and implementation of shared interactive multimedia courseware (2015-2018)”. PolyU Library is Project Leader with the other seven UGC-funded libraries as participating members.
Instructors of undergraduate or postgraduate subjects who would like to enhance students’ information literacy skills are strongly encouraged to apply. Faculty Librarian will work with faculty members to develop tailored learning packages or relevant activities to suit individual programme needs.
More information about this project:
Please contact your Faculty Librarians for details.