Power Outlets Added in Discussion Zone 1 (G/F) & Room L114 (1/F)
A total of 246 power outlets have been added in the quiet study area in 1/F Room L114 and G/F Discussion Zone 1 to support users in using portable devices. Part of Room L114 has been refurbished with a new computer table, new study tables and chairs. Remaining furniture in the room will be also upgraded soon.

Discussion Zone 2 (G/F) Refurbished
Have you visited Discussion Zone 2 on G/F recently? The area has been refurbished with new tables and chairs for collaborative study as well as new carpet. The refurbishment has made the room brighter and more comfortable.

Reference Materials Relocation in REC
Part of the Reference materials in 3/F Research Enhancement Centre (REC) have been relocated to Circulation or Serials Collection in Room L019 (G/F) after an in-depth review of the collection. The space released is then converted to study space. Notices have been put up in REC and Room L019 to indicate to users relevant information about Reference materials.

Flooring Upgrade for Back Stairwell
The rubber flooring at back stairwell has been upgraded over the summer with new floor covering made of tough and slip-resistance materials. Thanks to users’ understanding and forbearance during the temporary closure of the back staircase for the work.

Re-carpeting for 1/F and G/F Discussion Zone 2
In addtion to G/F Discussion Zone 2, carpets in both reading rooms on 1/F have been replaced which gives a new and fresher look of the study areas.

Wall Dado Added in G/F Group Study Rooms
For better protecting the walls from scratches and dirt, wall dado has been added in all 11 Group Study Rooms in the G/F 24-hour Study Centre.

Security Loops for Locking Portable Devices
A security loop has been added under the desktop of each study carrel in Room L115 (1/F) to facilitate users to lock their personal belongings or portable devices.