New Faces Joining the Library Workforce
The Library is pleased to introduce 2 new members of the Systems & Digital Services Team: Mr Teddy Lee Fong Sang and Miss Sally Lam Sze Lui.
Teddy joined us on 7 Jul 2016. As an Information Technology Officer, Teddy is responsible for developing and supporting Library’s information systems and digital initiatives such as Institutional Research Archive (PolyU IRA) and Image Database System.
Sally joined the Library on 4 May 2016 as Assistant Technical Officer. She is mainly responsible for program development in support of Library’s different online services.
Teddy joined us on 7 Jul 2016. As an Information Technology Officer, Teddy is responsible for developing and supporting Library’s information systems and digital initiatives such as Institutional Research Archive (PolyU IRA) and Image Database System.
Sally joined the Library on 4 May 2016 as Assistant Technical Officer. She is mainly responsible for program development in support of Library’s different online services.

We are also excited to introduce you to a new member of the User Experience & Outreach Section. Miss Lydia Ngai Chuen Tai (Assistant Librarian) joined us on 22 Aug 2016. Lydia obtained a Master of Information Management (MIM) from the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Australia) in 2003. She had worked for academic libraries in Australia including the Biomedical Library and the University Library at UNSW, engaged in information literacy enabling services and the creation of online learning tutorials. She joined the Asia Art Archive as the Head Librarian in 2008 and was committed to the development of digital archives as well as the collections management systems.
Besides MIM, Lydia also acquired the Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Criticism from the University of Hong Kong and the Bachelor of Arts (Design) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was a cultural researcher for Hong Kong art history and Hong Kong design history before devoting to library management works. She is also an associate member of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
Lydia now works collaboratively with the team in the development and implementation of activities and projects designed to strengthen our e-learning initiatives.
Please join us in giving a warm welcome to our new teammates!
Besides MIM, Lydia also acquired the Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Criticism from the University of Hong Kong and the Bachelor of Arts (Design) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was a cultural researcher for Hong Kong art history and Hong Kong design history before devoting to library management works. She is also an associate member of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).
Lydia now works collaboratively with the team in the development and implementation of activities and projects designed to strengthen our e-learning initiatives.
Please join us in giving a warm welcome to our new teammates!
Staff Promotion
Mr Tommy Fong Wai Ming, has been promoted to Library Assistant I (Information Services), with effect from 1 Aug 2016. He is responsible for developing procedures to deliver efficient front line enquiry and user support services. His work areas include enquiry service coordination, Library tour management as well as providing operation support to a variety of user services.