2015 Nobel Laureates and their Selected Books/Book Chapters are Held in the Library
"for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass"
Call No.
"for mechanistic studies of DNA repair"
Call No.
- DNA repair and recombination
- Telomeres and telomerase
Tomas Lindahl
- Handbook of photosensory receptors
- DNA-protein: structural interactions
Aziz Sancar
"for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites"
Youyou Tu
"for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria"
Call No.
- Inventive minds: creativity in technology
- People, parasites, and plowshares: learning from our body's most terrifying invaders
William C. Campbell
- The Search for bioactive compounds from microorganisms
- Antibiotics current innovations and future trends
- Enzyme technologies for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications
Satoshi Ōmura
"for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time"
Call No.
- Voices from Chernobyl
- Writing war: the best contemporary journalism about warfare and conflict from around the world
Svetlana Alexievich
"for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare"
Call No.
- The great escape: health, wealth, and the origins of inequality
- The analysis of household surveys: a microeconometric approach to development policy
- Understanding consumption
- Economics and consumer behavior
- Guidelines for constructing consumption aggregates for welfare analysis
Angus Deaton
Databases on Trial
[Expiry: 28 Feb 2016]
This journal covers advanced materials, fibers, nanotechnology, biomedical textiles, polymer sciences, textile chemistry, polymer chemistry, color science, textile and apparel design, anthropometry, sustainable materials and processes.
[Expiry: 28 Feb 2016]
This journal covers technical papers and feature articles on advanced materials, fibers, nanotechnology, biomedical textiles, polymer sciences, textile chemistry, polymer chemistry, color science, textile and apparel design, anthropometry, sustainable materials and processes. The Library currently subscribes to the printed version.
[Expiry: 21 Dec 2015]
Bloomsbury Collection include scholarly monographs and elite collections in the humanities and social sciences published by Bloomsbury’s Academic division.
[Expiry: 21 Nov 2015]
This ebook collection covers ELT, Spanish and French courses from publisher McGraw-Hill Education. It provides a diverse list of titles, including the bestselling Practice Makes Perfect series.