Movies of the 95th Academy Awards (2023 Oscar Winning Films)
It’s that Time of the Year: Oscar Season!
Discover the magic of award-winning films and other recent movies in the Audio Visual Collection, nestled within the Reserve Collection on the Library Podium Floor.
From gripping dramas to breathtaking adventures, here are some movies from last year’s Oscar. Don’t forget to click on the movie title to check the availability of the DVD beforehand.
From gripping dramas to breathtaking adventures, here are some movies from last year’s Oscar. Don’t forget to click on the movie title to check the availability of the DVD beforehand.
Movie Title
Call No.
- Cinematography
- International Feature Film
- Music (Original Score)
- Production Design
- Actor in a Supporting Role
- Actress in a Leading Role
- Actress in a Supporting Role
- Best Picture
- Directing
- Film Editing
- Writing (Original Screenplay)
For more movies of award winners and nominees, please click here.
For more movies of award winners and nominees, please click here.
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