e-Bulletin (Dec 2023, Issue 176)

Featured Resources for School of Hotel and Tourism Management

The UNWTO eLibrary is a fully cross-searchable interactive database offering a vast number of high-quality UNWTO publications including books, journals, and statistics in their respective languages. More than 1,500 e-books in English and other languages are included in the database. The latest tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world are also available.
Recent data and publications featuring tourism recovery from COVID-19:
Explore more databases for hotel, tourism, and event management research here.
UNWTO eLibrary

Media Resources


"一場世紀疫症令全球旅遊業煞停, 各地亦得以反思疫情前過度旅遊引起的亂象. 香港今年二月全面通關, 近日開展「你好,香港!」一系列宣傳及推廣香港的活動, 宣告香港為遊客重新打開大門. 不過, 香港旅遊業過往長期側重單一市場, 以及「食玩買」的單一旅遊模式, 是否仍然切合疫後旅遊趨勢呢? 面對全球旅遊城市同步競爭, 香港應該如何運用既有資源突圍而出, 重塑國際旅遊品牌?" -- TVB website


Disruptive innovation in hospitality

A presentation delivered by Dr. Alexander Lennart Schmidt from Hotelschool The Hague in the Netherlands. The video initially explained disruption innovations across industries, then proceed to illustrate an example case of how a luxury hotel business has transformed its business model through disruptive innovation, thereby expanding its market dominance.
Disruptive innovation in hospitality