Movies of the 41st Hong Kong Film Award Winners and Nominees (2023)
The 41st Hong Kong Film Award Winners & Nominees and other new movie titles are now available on the display shelf at Audio Visual Collection (P/F), and you can check out your favorite movies for personal use via the self-checkout station in Reserve Collection area. Please be reminded to click on the movie title to check the DVD’s availability in advance.
Movie Title
Call No.
- 最佳導演 Best Director
- 最佳編劇 Best Screenplay
- 最佳男主角 Best Actor
- 最佳攝影 Best Cinematography
Movie Title
Call No.
- 最佳動作設計Best Action Choreography
- 最佳音響效果Best Sound Design
- 最佳視覺效果 Best Visual Effects
- 最佳女主角Best Actress
- 最佳男配角Best Supporting Actor
- 最佳新演員Best New Performer
- 最佳原創電影歌曲Best Original Film Song
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[Expiry: 30 Jun 2023]科學文庫收錄了中國各學科領域的經典圖書、知名專家著作、 系列重點叢書等。涵蓋學科包括自然科學、工程與技術科學、人文及社會科學、醫藥科學、農業科學等。