Featured Resources for School of Design
WGSN Insight provides trend forecast and research analysis in various topics regarding consumer behaviors and lifestyles. The precise reports provided by WGSN can be used to guide, inspire, confirm, and inform product creation, business decisions, and strategic planning. These reports range from short-term predictions forecasting consumer behaviors and mindsets to long-term forecasts projecting rising consumer trends.
If you wish to download the reports in WGSN, please register for a new personal account using your PolyU email address on WGSN.
If you wish to download the reports in WGSN, please register for a new personal account using your PolyU email address on WGSN.
Statista - finding market research and statistics
Statista is an online statistics, market research and business intelligence portal. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions in English, French, German and Spanish. The platform consists over 1,500,000 statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. Statista offers information on significant firms, market predictions, white papers, dossiers, industry reports, digital market outlooks, and consumer market outlooks in addition to statistics.
With the Google-like searching interface, Statista allows users to search for topics that you are interested in. It can usually return a list of dossiers, reports, and statistics with high relevancy to your searching topic.
Below is an example for the resulting statistical information related to NFT:
With the Google-like searching interface, Statista allows users to search for topics that you are interested in. It can usually return a list of dossiers, reports, and statistics with high relevancy to your searching topic.
Below is an example for the resulting statistical information related to NFT:
User are able to download the statistics in various formats, such as Excel file, PDF and PowerPoint.
Media Resources
Creating GIF Animations: Using Photoshop and Other Adobe Apps
“Learn what GIF animations are, why they are so popular, and how you can easily create your own for your website, email, or social media page using Photoshop and other Adobe apps.Author Jennifer Harder begins by providing a brief history of GIF animation before discussing its common uses on today’s social media platforms, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. She’ll then demonstrate how to prepare images using the Photoshop Timeline and Layers panels as they relate to GIF creation and how to transform graphics on each layer to create movement between frames. You’ll also gain an understanding of the ideal Export settings for optimizing quality and file size for online use.
Additionally, you’ll see how to create GIF animations from short video clips and master the use of Illustrator to copy created stills for use in Photoshop. Finally, you’ll explore other Adobe applications that can be used to create GIF animations as well as GIF alternatives for the Web.” – from the webpage.
"因為喜歡,所以發現。世界很大,我們卻喜歡把目光放在自己所鍾愛的東西上,即使在別人眼中,那是如微塵般不起眼。Gary (邱益彰)今年23歲,小時候被確診輕微亞氏保加症,自少喜歡坐車的他,着迷於窗外的路牌。成長後發覺路牌的設計已改變了,尤其是字體的造型。香港過往由在囚人士手造的路牌字體漸漸被取代了,他把這過氣的字體命名為「監獄體」,走遍全港記錄依然存在的監獄體路牌,更決心重整一套「監獄體」字庫。因為路牌,他結識了志同道合的朋友;亦因路牌,他體會了人生第一次出書、辦講座和工作坊。路牌指示人方向,亦指示了 Gary的人生。"--RTHK Website
New Additions & Trial Databases
JSTOR journal and primary sources temporary expanded access
[Expiry: 30 Jun 2023]To support libraries during the COVID-19 crisis, JSTOR has opened up free access to all Archive Journal Collections, Thematic Collections and Primary Sources Collections.