e-Bulletin (Jul 2022, Issue 159)

Featured Resources for Faculty of Humanities

Asia Studies

Bibliography of Asian Studies (via EbscoHost)

Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) is a major and comprehensive index database for research and scholarly literature pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia written in Western languages. It covers different subjects with special focus on the humanities and the social sciences.
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Cambridge Archive Editions Online contains a wealth of primary source materials from the National Archives (UK) in which The East and Southeast Asia Collection covers political and economic reports on China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. These titles provide invaluable insight for research of East and South-East Asia.
People's Daily is the most authoritative and dominant newspaper in China. The content is highly relevant to Chinese Literature, China Studies and Humanities.

人民日報圖文數據庫 provides digitised contents and images of People’s Daily from 1946 to present. It provides direct information on the policies and viewpoints of the Chinese Communist Party.

Media Resources

Michael Turner, the director of this personal documentary, struggles with one of the medical science's most baffling and enduring disabilities—he stutters.

Stuttering is a speech problem and its symptoms include syllable repetitions, prolongations, blocks, and various physical tics. He explores how shuttering affects his life and the story of a support group for people who shutter on the journey toward self-acceptance.
The Way We Talk: Living with a Stutter
This is a moving, powerful and gripping documentary on Kanopy.

For the past 11 years, a blue-collar worker, Chen Si, has voluntarily tried to prevent desperate people from ending their lives at the Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing. The Bridge is a notorious suicide spot in the world, with over 5 attempts per week. The actions he takes have earned him the nickname the “ANGEL OF NANJING”
Angel of Nanjing

New Additions and Trial Databases

Trial Databases:

JSTOR journal and primary sources temporary expanded access

[Expiry: 30 Jun 2023]
To support libraries during the COVID-19 crisis, JSTOR has opened up free access to all Archive Journal Collections, Thematic Collections and Primary Sources Collections.


[Expiry: 31 Dec 2022]
Collection: 本土文學