Featured Resources for School of Design
Grove Art Online by Oxford Art Online
Try Grove Art Online! It is a part of Oxford Art Online database which provides more than 45,000 encyclopaedia entries covering all aspects of Western and non-Western visual art. It also includes 130,000 colour images of the art works housed at various art museums, and 21,000 biographies of the artists around the world. You can search by the artist name, for example, Salvador Dali, and see all his background information and the images of some of his art works.
If you wish to cite the information found in Grove Art Online, simply click the “Cite” button of each article, then you can either download the citation file to your Reference Management Tools, or copy the generated citation to your paper.
Kanopy – a video streaming platform
Media Resources
Design is one: Lella & Massimo Vignelli
“Italian-born Massimo and Lella Vignelli are among the world's most influential designers. Throughout their long career, their motto has been, 'If you can't find it, design it.' The work covers such a broad spectrum that one could say the Vignellis are known by everybody, even those who don't know their names. From graphics to interiors to products and corporate identities, the film brings us into the work and everyday moments of the Vignellis' world, capturing their intelligence and creativity, as well as their humanity, warmth, and humor.” – from the webpage.
設計和設計師的價值 = The value of design
"你有否想過, 從小如髮夾, 到大如建築物, 背後也有其設計概念? 設計與日常生活息息相關. 優秀的設計恆久, 美觀, 方便, 甚至可以提升事物的價值, 而一切的設計都源自設計師的腦袋. 今集《大學問》請來殿堂級設計師陳幼堅先生, 他曾先後獲得超過600個中外奬項, 無數作品早已成為香港人共有的回憶. 他的工作除了平面設計, 更涉獵室內設計和藝術創作, 可謂一位多元化的創意人. 其作品融會了中國工藝及現代設計技巧, 形象鮮明, 因而蜚聲國際藝壇. 節目中, 陳幼堅除了分享了他的設計之路和美學觀, 更會以廣為人知的'品牌醫生'身份, 向觀眾分享過去以設計挽救企業的故事. 兩位年輕出色設計師陳凱納及梁展邦, 也會就香港設計未來發展與教育加入討論, 與大師進行跨世代對話, 交換意見."--RTHK Website.
New Additions & Trial Databases
IUPAC Standards Online
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2021]It is a database created by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) covering international standards and recommendations extracted from Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
JSTOR journal and primary sources temporary expanded access
[Expiry: 30 Jun 2022]To support libraries during the COVID-19 crisis, JSTOR has opened up free access to all Archive Journal Collections, Thematic Collections and Primary Sources Collections.
Nursing Reference Center Plus
[Expiry: 30 Jun 2022]This evidence-based reference tool provides clinical resources to nurses, directly at point-of-care. It covers nursing skills with videos, management topics, care plans and more.