Movies of the 92nd Academy Awards (2020 Oscar Winning Films)
Oscar winning films and other new movie titles are now available on the display shelves at Multimedia Commons (3/F), and you can check out your favorite movies for personal use at Loan and Return Counter or through the self-checkout stations on the Library Podium Floor. Please be reminded to click on the movie title to check the DVD’s availability in advance.
Movie Title
Call No.
- Best Actor in a Supporting Role
- Best Production Design
- Best Directing
- Best Picture
- Best International Feature Film
- Best Writing (Original Screenplay)
New Additions and Databases on Trial
60 Minutes: 1997-2014
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]This collection is available exclusively from Alexander Street and it covers CBS News archives from this period.
BBC Horizon Collection
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]The BBC Horizon television program reveals the science behind a broad range of topics, including astronomy, physics, mathematics, the environment, disease and more.
BBC Landmark Video Collection, Volume 2
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]This collection provides exclusive HD view into the natural world and events, covering series like Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Big Cats and Dynasties, etc.
BBC Literary Adaptations in Video
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]This collection of over 160 titles comprises BBC productions of adaptations of famous English literary classics. The product also includes titles like Face to Face and Performance where actors and directors discuss their craft.
Engineering Case Studies Online
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]It includes videos and textual materials focusing on engineering failures and successes covering documentaries, accident reports, equipment, visualizations, case studies, lectures and interviews from leading engineering institutions around the world.
Environmental Studies in Video
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]It contains films covering all realms of environmental studies, particularly ethics, policy, economics, law, sociology, planning, and environmental science.
IUPAC Standards Online
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2021]It is a database created by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) covering international standards and recommendations extracted from Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
O'Reilly for Higher Education
[Expiry: 12 May 2021]O’Reilly for Higher Education aims to prepare users for future careers and encourage lifelong learning with access to over 42,000 ebooks and 30,000 hours of videos/tutorials in a wide range of topics in business and technology. It also covers case studies from companies such as Uber, Netflix and Microsoft to prepare students for real-life scenarios once employed.
PS: This trial is opened to users whose institution email address is "" ONLY. Please find the below steps for reference:
1. Please select "Not Listed? Click here." from the "Select your institution" list.
2. Please enter your academic institution email (
3. Click "Let's Go" button.
SAGE Research Methods Video - Core
[Expiry: 31 May 2021]This video collection covers the entire research methods and statistics curriculum through tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and more.
SAGE Research Methods Video - Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods
[Expiry: 31 May 2021]This video collection covers data science methods, issues and challenges surrounding big data research, with examples and applications of computational social science research.
SAGE Research Methods Video - Market Research
[Expiry: 31 May 2021]This video collection covers a range of essential qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for data collection and analysis for market research. It includes video types such as expert interviews, tutorials, in-practice videos, video case studies, documentaries and lectures.
SAGE Research Methods Video - Practical Research and Academic Skills
[Expiry: 31 May 2021]This video collection offers support on the practical skills that researchers need to complete their research. It covers key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project and securing ethical approval. Skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through explanatory videos.
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source
[Expiry: 30 Jun 2021]It is a full-text database that supports the study of the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides scholarly journals from various countries covering business trends, infrastructure, research collaboration and trade opportunities related to the initiative.
Wen Quan Xue Tang (文泉學堂)
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2021]Wen Quan Xue Tang is a higher education knowledge hub developed by Tsinghua University Publisher. It contains over 30,000 e-books, multimedia supplements, and subject-related online courses on science, engineering, economics and management.