Featured Resources for Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Free Quality Health Resources in the Collection
The following freely accessible e-resources contain excellent health & clinical information vetted by health professionals, and they can be complementary to the Library subscriptions:
- Radiopedia – It is a wiki-based international collaborative radiology educational web resource containing reference articles, radiology images, and patient cases, compiled by radiologists and other health professionals from across the globe. The wiki operation model keeps the contents up-to-date with fast growing contents.
- Medscape – It offers the latest medical news and expert perspectives, essential point-of-care drug and disease information, and relevant professional education. You may keep yourself updated on the timely medical news with its mobile apps. Please note the specialized subsection on Medscape: Nurses as well.
- Medlineplus – It is a free service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the USA, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is a trust-worthy, high-quality health and wellness online resources created for the general public. The database provides expert information on a wide range of health topics, drugs and supplements.
- Verywell Mind – It is a reliable online resource on mental health. It provides thousands of guidance on mental health, written by healthcare professionals and vetted by board-certified physicians. It is a partner of the Cleveland Clinic in USA.
Media Resources
手機成癮 = Cell phones : weapons of mass addiction
[RC569.5.I54 T443 2019 DVD]
"短短十年,智慧型手機已經從一項物品,變成我們最好的朋友,手機用嗶聲主宰我們的生活,依賴與成癮的界線很脆弱,本片諮詢成癮防治科的祖利諾醫生,他說手機成癮的影響可以跟古柯鹼相比,手機成癮是一種最純粹的成癮形式,你甚至不需要注射,只要用眼睛看就能成癮。1995年後出生的美國小孩,在手機陪伴下,渡過整個青春期的第一個世代,被美國聖地牙哥大學的吉恩特溫吉博士稱之為「i世代」,她的調查結果顯示:「他們覺得作什麼都不對勁、他們的人生沒有用、或是他們沒有享受人生」,這三點正是憂鬱症的典型症候群。這個世代比起五年前、十年前感到更孤單、憂鬱和不快樂。 我們平均一天看200次手機,我們都病了嗎?而你,手機成癮了嗎?" —from this DVD container.
[RC628 .F38 2019 DVD]
“Weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich and award-winning filmmaker Peter Pardini want people to join their team to make a hard-hitting documentary film that exposes the widespread myths and lies around healthy eating, fat, and weight loss and shows how, in spite of all good intentions, they go on getting fatter and fatter.” —https://letterboxd.com/film/fat-a-documentary/