e-Bulletin (Jul 2020, Issue 135)

Featured Resources for Faculty of Humanities

The Literature Collection in Gale eBooks

The Gale eBook platform features academic titles to support study within literature. It’s a one-stop shop where researchers can cross-search e-books in the collection to pinpoint relevant material. Researchers using the Literature Collection will find credible sources from publishers such as Cambridge, Gale, and Salem Press.
  • Cross-search a growing collection of 5000+ book chapters and reference entries on topics in literature
  • Retrieve author biographies, book reviews, topic overviews, critical essays, and more
  • Search by keyword, author, or work... and refine searches by subject, document type, or book title
  • Browse e-books by table of contents, or search within individual e-books
  • Download PDF, print, email, export to EndNote or cloud storage, and generate source citation
From Gale eBooks, select “Literature” under “Browse Collections” to access the literature collection.

The Literature Collection in Gale eBooks

Featured Book Series in Gale eBooks Visit the library’s online guide on Literature to learn about other resources for literature research. If you have any questions about literature research, please contact Ms Christine Ho, Faculty Librarian (English Language) for assistance.

Media Resources

Building and construction


English in America : a linguistic history

[PE2809 .E534 2016 DVD]

“Trace the history of the English language from the first settlers of Jamestown to our modern era of migration, globalization, and Internet communication. "— from this DVD container

Design and the environment


The secret life of words English words and their origins

[PE1075 .S43 DVD]

“Presents a survey of English, from its Germanic origins to the rise of globalization and cyber-communications. "—from this DVD container

Embodied carbon emissions of construction products


English grammar boot camp

[PE1112 .E532 2016 DVD]

"Improve your grammar competence and confidence in all contexts with these illuminating lectures that cover the essential elements of English grammar and usage."—from this DVD container

New Additions