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The Literature Collection in Gale eBooks
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- The Cambridge Companions | American Modernist Novel | Asian American Literature | British Fiction since 1945 | Postcolonial Novel | Victorian Women’s Writing | ...and more
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Media Resources
English in America : a linguistic history
[PE2809 .E534 2016 DVD]
“Trace the history of the English language from the first settlers of Jamestown to our modern era of migration, globalization, and Internet communication. "— from this DVD container
The secret life of words English words and their origins
[PE1075 .S43 DVD]
“Presents a survey of English, from its Germanic origins to the rise of globalization and cyber-communications. "—from this DVD container
English grammar boot camp
[PE1112 .E532 2016 DVD]
"Improve your grammar competence and confidence in all contexts with these illuminating lectures that cover the essential elements of English grammar and usage."—from this DVD container