e-Bulletin (Feb 2020, Issue 130)

Featured Resources for Faculty of Business

As one of the world leaders in business intelligence, EIU provides premium research analysis that helps you better comprehend the political and economic developments, forecast economic trends of next five years, up-to-date regulations and business practices. In our subscription, you will have access to Country/Region Forecast Reports of Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, to gather insights in the ever-changing business environment.

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)

With its diverse content serving both academic and business needs, ABI/INFORM collection offers a large number of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, country-and industry-focused reports, company records, news sources, as well as business cases and case studies, giving you the most comprehensive resources on companies and business trends needed for your research.

ABI/INFORM Collection

Explore other databases for Business here.

Media Resources

How to build a thriving workplace : a leader's guide

[HD57.7 .H6876 2018 DVD]

Multiple studies show a clear link between businesses that attend to their employees' well-being and the bottom line. In fact, the profit of companies with the strongest focus on employee experience is about four times higher than the average. And yes, you read that correctly-not customer experience, but employee experience. Because if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers, and your shareholders will do well, too.

This DVD will tell you how to identify and implement relatively simple and inexpensive changes to improve your employees' work environment and positively impact your bottom line. -- amazon.com

How to build a thriving workplace : a leader's guide

LEGO : the golden bricks = 全球瘋樂高

[HD9993.T694 L449 2017 DVD]

"全世界每小時賣出超過七百萬顆各式各樣、琳瑯滿目的樂高:積木、人物、紅、白、黃...等等。這個世界知名的玩具品牌已問世80年,受歡迎的程度達到前所未有的顛峰,在玩具界中擁有指標性的地位。本片帶你走訪位在丹麥比隆,歷史悠久的樂高總部,這裡是設計出所有樂高積木的地方,探訪媲美超級建築師的瘋狂樂高迷社群以及人潮擁擠的樂高販賣店,讓你一窺這個玩具帝國的歡樂魅力!" — from this DVD container

LEGO : the golden bricks