Featured Resources for Faculty of Construction and Environment
Statista – find data in construction and environment industries
Browse the data directly in the following subject areas (login required):
ASCE Library – find journals and conference proceedings in civil engineering
ASCE Library is a database for locating articles from journals and conference proceedings published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The subjects range across all disciplines of civil engineering, including construction, environmental engineering, materials engineering, etc.Scopus – find top journals in civil engineering
- Building and Construction
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Energy
- Environmental Science, etc.
Media Resources
Dream big: engineering our world
[TA145 .D732 2017 DVD]
"Narrated by Academy Award® winner Jeff Bridges, Dream Big: Engineering Our World is a first of its kind film for IMAX® and giant screen theatres that will transform how we think about engineering. From the Great Wall of China and the world's tallest buildings, to underwater robots, solar cars and smart, sustainable cities, Dream Big celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small, and reveals the heart that drives engineers to create better lives for people around the world."--dreambigfilm.com
Power tower = 摩天樓與風力發電
[TJ163.5.B84 P68 2017 DVD]
"廣州,全球污染最嚴重的城市之一矗立了一座71層樓高的解毒劑: 珠江城大廈。中國零碳建築全球最環保的摩天樓珠江城大廈位於廣州,是全球污染最嚴重的城市之一。這是中國第一座零碳建築,同時也是全球最節能的建築物之一。由美國芝加哥SOM建築設計事務所的羅傑‧佛瑞榭負責設計,並遠赴芬蘭請來風力渦輪機的專家李斯托‧局次理尼。大廈獨特的曲線外形可以增加風速,透過大廈內建的風力渦輪機,進行風力發電。大廈外觀覆滿光伏電池可以充分利用太陽能。除了善用風和太陽二種清潔能源生產自身所需的能源之外,珠江城大廈也利用了一些先進節能技術,如太陽能板、雙層玻璃幕牆、冷輻射天花系統、地板下通風等等。儘管這些節能裝置已經運用在世界上其他摩天大樓,但珠江城大廈是第一個綜合多達十一項生態科技的首座環保建築,種下中國第一顆乾淨能源的種子。"—from this DVD container.
New Additions & Trial Databases
[Expiry: 25 Mar 2019]《中華經典古籍庫》是中華書局推出的大型古籍類資料庫,主要收錄了中華書局出版的點校本古籍,從2017年1月開始也收錄了其他出版社出版的優秀古籍類圖書,如鳳凰出版社的《冊府元龜》、《全元文》、齊魯書社的《宋代序跋全編》等。所收圖書涵蓋了經史子集各部,包含了點校本二十四史、新編諸子集成、歷代史料筆記叢刊、清人十三經注疏、佛教典籍選刊等系列。
Literature Resource Center
[Expiry: 30 Apr 2019]It is a literature reference database produced by Gale which provides biographical and contextual materials on literary figures from all time periods in such genres as fiction, non fiction, poetry, drama, history, journalism and more.