e-Bulletin (Dec 2018, Issue 116)

Featured Resources for School of Hotel and Tourism Management


Passport is a global market research database providing country reports, analyses and statistics for you to identify current and future trends.

You can find information like market size, forecast data, company and brand shares for tourism, airlines, cruise, hotels, spas, travel intermediates, wine and spirits industries via Passport.

Explore other databases for hospitality and tourism research here.

Media Resources

Angel's share = 天使葡萄酒 = La part des anges

[TP553 .A543 2018 DVD]

"釀酒是一門跟文化和哲學有關的學問, 最美好的事物都不能處理過頭"~Clos Lalfert酒莊創辦人。 葡萄酒成熟過程中所蒸發的煙霧,我們稱為"天使的那一份"。這同時精準描述了法國現在的葡萄酒園以及釀酒業的“蒸發"現象,由於財務困難或是葡萄酒生產的標準化,許多葡萄園的葡萄酒日漸“蒸發"。在一切都自動化的現今,有些葡萄園甚至用了無人機。用機器和科技來管理葡萄園,只能釀出一般的酒,不能釀出有感情的、上好的葡萄酒。不管是釀酒師、工匠或葡萄農,年輕一代深信要親近植物、親近果實,才能生產好的葡萄酒。本片紀錄了法國新一代釀酒師的故事,他們回到土地上,和土地建立更直接的關係。"--from this DVD container

Angel's share = 天使葡萄酒 = La part des anges

Emerging tourism markets

[G155.8.A75 E43 DVD]

It investigates four new tourism markets in Australia, including adventure tourism, ecotourism, indigenous tourism and MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions).

Emerging tourism markets

New Additions & Trial Databases

Trial Databases:


[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
Artfilms offers streaming videos with content from top artists and producers in creative arts.

Cerebrovascular Diseases (1998+)

[Expiry: 30 Jun 2019]
Journal published by Karger.

China and the World Ancient and Modern Silk Road

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
It is a new journal published by World Scientific Publishing Company.

Gale Business Collection

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
A business resource mainly for undergraduates which covers business and trade publications in the areas of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management with a selection of international, US and regional news publications.

Literature Criticism Online

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
An online resource from Gale which provides a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works in all areas of literature.

Opthalmologica (1998+)

[Expiry: 30 Jun 2019]
Journal published by Karger.

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (1998+)

[Expiry: 30 Jun 2019]
Journal published by Karger.

Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
It is a new journal published by World Scientific Publishing Company.


[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
超星期刊目前有國内期刊6,500種, 其中有1,300多種核心期刊, 涵蓋内容包括理學、工學、農學、社會科學、文化、教育、哲學、醫學、經濟、管理等各學科。