Featured Resources for Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Taylor & Francis e-Books
The Library has purchased over 1,980 eBooks in specific subjects, such as Allied Health, Medicine, Midwifery as well as Nursing. The collection also allows users to access full content at whole book and chapter levels.
Media Resources
Supporting the communication of children with autism spectrum disorders
"The assessment and treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is an area of growing interest for speech-language pathologists. This self-study video examines the case studies of two children with ASD, focusing on communication, and assessment methodologies and strategies for children (toddler to school age). It provides the theoretical and research background needed to understand the communication challenges of children with ASD, as well as evidence-based information about assessment and intervention techniques. Detailed practical suggestions and videotaped examples are included."--asha.org.
被遺忘的時光 The long goodbye
"他們是一群困在時間河流裡的長者,深受失智症的困擾纏身,記憶中的歲月點滴,如今只留下泛黃照片上的陌生影像。在記憶緩慢歸零的過程裡,在家人的細心陪伴下,他們用愛找回記憶的缺口,這是一部關於紀錄'遺忘'的故事,關於錯置的情感,拼貼的記憶。這段生命中最漫長的告別,只爲了讓你記得,愛,永遠在。" — from this DVD container
New Additions & Trial Databases
China and the World Ancient and Modern Silk Road
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]It is a new journal published by World Scientific Publishing Company.
Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics
[Expiry: 4 Aug 2018]An online reference offers a systematic overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied, with coverage on the linguistics traditions of these languages.
Gale Business Collection
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]It is a business resource mainly for undergraduates which covering business and trade publications in the areas of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management with a selection of international, US and regional news publications.
SAGE Knowledge Video
[Expiry: 30 Sep 2018]SAGE Knowledge Video provides educational video across key social science disciplines. Each collection includes a breadth of video types to support research and learning needs. The following collections are opened for trial:
Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]It is a new journal published by World Scientific Publishing Company.
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]超星期刊目前有國内期刊6500種, 其中有1300多種核心期刊, 涵蓋内容包括理學、工學、農學、社會科學、文化、教育、哲學、醫學、經濟、管理等各學科。