Featured Resources for Faculty of Construction & Environment
ICONDA (1976+)
It covers worldwide technical literature relating to all aspects of planning and construction.
ICONDA is endorsed by the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction CIB and the International Union of Building Centres UICB.
IHS Construction Information Service. BRE Supplement
It covers all aspects of the building, engineering, design and construction processes, helping ensure compliance, increase efficiency and mitigate risks.
The database is developed by IHS and UK’s National Building Specification (NBS).
Media Resources
Urbanization & the Natural World
[TD171 .U72 2017 DVD]
For the first time in history, more than half the population lives in cities. Because of urbanization every year we destroy untold amounts of plants and fertile soil. With this in mind, how can we make cities more sustainable? This program takes a special look at green roof gardening, the expansion of solar panels and thinking inside the box with food container gardening. Big cities leave big trouble for the natural world. The good news is we have the ability to change. There are currently innovative technologies in place that will help combat climate change in big cities. -- from this DVD container
[TG102.S525 D84 DVD]
"萬里長江入海口, 一項前所未有的工程, 穿越長江, 南邊建隧道, 北邊建大橋, 全長25.5公里, 連接了都市與島嶼。"-- from this DVD container
New Additions & Databases on Trial
[Expiry: 07 Apr 2018]
A learning and teaching tool designed by the American Psychological Association (APA) to help users develop their writing and professional research skills with full integration of the Publication Manual of the APA.
Gale Business Collection
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2018]
A business resource mainly for undergraduates which covers business and trade publications in the areas of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and management with a selection of international, US and regional news publications.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
[Expiry: 31 Mar 2018]
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics
[Expiry: 31 Mar 2018]
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature
[Expiry: 31 Mar 2018]