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ScienceDirect e-books
ScienceDirect e-books are a database offering comprehensive coverage of the full range of scientific disciplines, including chemistry, material science, mathematics, physics and biochemistry. The Library has 2,962 titles of textbooks, handbooks and reference books. The full-text of book chapters in pdf format can be downloaded for those titles that the Library has purchased.
ACS publications. Journals and Magazines
The American Chemical Society (ACS) offers peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, which cover disciplines across chemistry, physics, and biology. You may find full-text high quality research articles published in ACS journals in the database. It is fully searchable and updated daily.
Media Resources
The elusive truth & interview = 探訪當代藝術 : 從街頭到藝廊
[N6797.H565 E48 2017 DVD]
"從街頭藝術到畫廊到美術館無論是販夫走卒或是達官貴族 關於藝術沒有界限當代最受景仰的藝術大師 達米恩赫斯特追隨大師腳步顛覆/崩壞既定美感從腐敗、死亡 想像無限可能。 《隱晦的真相—達米恩的繪像》 2005年至2006年,電影導演茱勒斯.格雷迪(Jules Gladys)跟隨英國知名藝術大師達米恩.赫斯特(Damien Hirst)巡迴展出的腳步,一路記錄藝術家從墨西哥市的「上帝之死」、那不勒斯「狂悲與狂喜」、到紐約市的「難以捉摸的真實」。從籌備到展出,藉由不同角度的影像和藝術領域的知名人士傳達出達米恩・赫斯特想要表達出每一件作品的獨特見解,「他的畫作就像一首詩。」;或是對於他一直以來最喜歡關注最痛的死亡議題,闡述自己的理念;也許被名人包圍或是記者追逐,也是他成名後不可在獨善其身的小小遺憾。《訪談》 從紐約到倫敦到柏林,歐美三大城市,訪問了18個藝術家、歌手、策展人、老師到學生,用簡潔扼要的訪談,討論了他們對於藝術、街頭藝術、塗鴉藝術、教學和學習等等的內容、定義、功能性甚至如何取悅觀眾的種種想法…"—from this DVD container.
Inside Einstein's mind
[QC16.E5 I45 2016 DVD]
"On November 25th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature's laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to the origin of time itself. Now, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's achievement, NOVA tells the inside story of Einstein's masterpiece. The story begins with the intuitive thought experiments that set Einstein off on his quest and traces the revolution in cosmology that is still playing out in today's labs and observatories. Discover the simple but powerful ideas at the heart of relativity, illuminating the theory--and Einstein's brilliance--as never before. From the first spark of an idea to the discovery of the expanding universe, the Big Bang, black holes, and dark energy, NOVA uncovers the inspired insights and brilliant breakthroughs of 'the perfect theory.'"—from this website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/inside-einsteins-mind.html
Forces and motion the physics of car crashes
[QC133 .F67 2015 DVD]
"Bring Newton's three laws of motion to life with this DVD that uses extraordinary slow motion HD footage filmed during car crash testing to explore how energy is distributed during the fractions of a second when cars crash. The DVD explores ideas of inertia, resultant forces, energy and momentum, but applies it in the real world context of designing air bags, crumple zones and seats to protect the passenger"—from this website: https://www.pumpkin-interactive.co.uk/products/forces-and-motion-the-physics-of-car-crashes