Featured Resources for School of Hotel and Tourism Management
It provides country reports, analysis and statistics, such as market size, company shares and brand shares on various topics including spirits, wine, foodservice, travel, airlines, cruise, hotels, travel intermediaries, etc.
It contains market research, quantitative data, statistics, business and marketing related information from travel, tourism, hospitality, food and wine industries and more.
Hong Kong Tourism Board research & statistics online
It offers online access to research materials and statistics on the tourism trade in Hong Kong.
UNWTO eLibrary
It provides the most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world.
Media Resources
法國極緻美食:米其林的驕傲 = French delicatessen
[TX719 .F348 2014 DVD ]
"透過鏡頭帶領觀眾進入法國各地,尋訪美食源頭。 各項食材的產地、種植(養殖)和採收方式一覽無遺,且深入淺出的探討法國悠久的飲食文化,讓世界領略法國人對環境的保護,以及經營者對自然和永續的堅持。 節目中,紀主廚親自[每集]示範一道道美味料理,讓觀眾除了欣賞法國美食,亦能學習體驗一流廚師的獨門烹飪方法"-- from the DVD case cover
Hotel & hospitality English
[PE1116.R47 H67 CD]
"This course is for elementary-level adults who need English for the hospitality industry, such as workers in hotels and restaurants. Ideal for front-line staff who need to communicate confidently in English to maintain good customer relations"--amazon.co.uk.
New Additions & Trial Databases
BMJ Best Practice
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
This online resource provides evidence based research, guidelines and expert opinion in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in clinical situation.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
This resource provides peer reviewed and regularly updated overview articles in the field of linguistics and other related subject disciplines.
中國經濟與社會發展統計數據庫 (China Statistical Yearbooks Database)
[Expiry: 6 Dec 2017]
此資料庫收集了由1949年至今大概一千種, 共七千多冊之中國中央級和省級統計年鑒及資料。
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]超星期刊目前有國内期刊 6500 種, 其中有 1300 多種核心期刊, 涵蓋内容包括理學、工學、農學、社會科學、文化、教育、哲學、醫學、經濟、管理等各學科。