e-Bulletin (November 2017, Issue 103)

2017 Nobel Laureates and Their Selected Books/Book Chapters/Journal Articles are Held in the Library

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017: Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne
"for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves"


Call No.



  1. Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy

Kip S. Thorne

1.	Black holes and time warps : Einstein's outrageous legacy

  1. Feynman lectures on gravitation

…with a foreword by John Preskill and Kip S. Thorne

2.	Feynman lectures on gravitation

  1. Gravitation

Charles W Misner, Kip S. Thorne and John Archibald Wheele

3.	Gravitation

  1. Quantum measurement

Vladimir B. Braginsky and Farid Ya. Khalili ; edited by Kip S. Thorne

4. Quantum measurement

  1. The science of Interstellar

Kip S. Thorne; foreword by Christopher Nolan

5. The science of Interstellar

  1. 星際效應: 電影幕後的科學事實,推測與想像


6.	星際效應: 電影幕後的科學事實,推測與想像

  1. LIGO: The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Science, 1992)

Ranier Weiss and Kip S. Thorne et al.


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017: Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson
"for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution"


Call No.



  1. Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Microscopy Reconstruction

Gabor T. Herman, Joachim Frank, editors

8.	Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Microscopy Reconstruction

  1. Electron tomography methods for three-dimensional visualization of structures in the cell

Joachim Frank

9.	Electron tomography methods for three-dimensional visualization of structures in the cell

  1. Molecular Machines in Biology Workshop of the Cell

Joachim Frank

10.	Molecular Machines in Biology Workshop of the Cell

  1. Three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies : visualization of biological molecules in their native state

Joachim Frank

11. Three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies : visualization of biological molecules in their native state

  1. Avoiding the pitfalls of single particle cryo-electron microscopy: Einstein from noise (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013)

Richard Henderson

  1. Dynamic Reorganization of the Functionally Active Ribosome Explored by Normal Mode Analysis and Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2003)

Joachim Frank et al.


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017: Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young
"for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm"


Call No.



  1. Circadian rhythms

Michael W. Young


  1. Molecular genetics of biological rhythms

Michael W. Young

15. Molecular genetics of biological rhythms

  1. A Biological Clock (Daedalus, 2003)

Michael Rosbash


  1. Circadian Oscillations in Period Gene mRNA Levels are Transcriptionally Regulated (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1992)

Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash et al.

  1. Phase Shifting of the Circadian Clock by Induction of the Drosophila period Protein (Science, 1994)

Michael Rosbash et al.


The Nobel Prize in Literature 2017:Kazuo Ishiguro
"who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world"


Call No.



  1. An artist of the floating world

Kazuo Ishiguro

19. An artist of the floating world

  1. The buried giant

Kazuo Ishiguro

20. The buried giant

  1. Never let me go

Kazuo Ishiguro

21. Never let me go

  1. Never let me go 愛・別讓我走

Kazuo Ishiguro et al.

22. Never let me go 愛・別讓我走

  1. The remains of the day

Kazuo Ishiguro

23. The remains of the day

  1. The remains of the day 告別有情天

Kazuo Ishiguro et al.

24. The remains of the day 告別有情天

  1. The unconsoled

Kazuo Ishiguro

25. The unconsoled

  1. When we were orphans

Kazuo Ishiguro

26.	When we were orphans

  1. 被埋葬的記憶



  1. 別讓我走



  1. 我輩孤雛



  1. 群山淡景



The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017: Richard H. Thaler
"for his contributions to behavioural economics"


Call No.



  1. Advances in behavioral finance

Richard H. Thaler

31. Advances in behavioral finance

  1. Behavioral Economics

Richard H. Thaler

32. Behavioral Economics

  1. Financial decision-making in markets and firms a behavioral perspective

Richard H. Thaler


  1. Misbehaving: the making of behavioral economics

Richard H. Thaler

34. Misbehaving : the making of behavioral economics

  1. Nudge: improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness

Richard H. Thaler

35. Nudge: improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness

  1. 推出你的影響力:每個人都可以影響別人,改善決策,做人生的選擇設計師 = Nudge:Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness

Richard H. Thaler

36. 推出你的影響力:每個人都可以影響別人,改善決策,做人生的選擇設計師

  1. 贏家的詛咒:不理性的行為,如何影響決策?

Richard H. Thaler

37.贏家的詛咒 : 不理性的行為, 如何影響決策?

  1. Deal or No Deal? Decision Making under Risk in a Large-Payoff Game Show (The American Economic Review, 2008)

Richard H. Thaler et al.


  1. Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice: Anatomy of a Failure (Marketing Science, 2008)

Richard H. Thaler


  1. Anomalies: The Winner's Curse (The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1988)

Richard H. Thaler


New Additions & Databases on Trial

New Additions: Audio visual materials, Books and Journals.
Trial Databases:

BMJ Best Practice

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
This online resource provides evidence based research, guidelines and expert opinion in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in clinical situation.


Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics

[Expiry: 12 Nov 2017]
Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics is an online bibliography with links to resources in linguistics and related disciplines of neuroscience, cognitive science for the study of language. It also provides expert summaries in these fields.


Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics

[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
This resource provides peer reviewed and regularly updated overview articles in the field of linguistics and other related subject disciplines.



[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
超星期刊目前有國内期刊 6500 種, 其中有 1300 多種核心期刊, 涵蓋内容包括理學、工學、農學、社會科學、文化、教育、哲學、醫學、經濟、管理等各學科。