Featured Resources for School of Design
ARTstor Digital Library
It provides more than one million images with tools for teaching and research. Its collections comprise contributions from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates from all over the world. The collections encompass a wide variety of subject areas, including art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval Studies, and Renaissance Studies.
World Fine Arts (華藝世界美術資料庫)
資料庫收錄臺灣美術、西洋美術與世界兒童美術三大類別;收錄500位藝術大師,50,000幅以上作品,部份附1,024像素大圖欣賞,資料量媲美500本以上的大畫冊。資料庫內容持續更新,附屬藝訊網站藝集邦每日更新展覽與藝文訊息,滿足藝術喜愛者的需求. --Source from: http://www.airitiart.com/aboutus.asp
It is an advertising archive with over 2,000,000 pieces of entry from all over the world. The database contains information about brands, agencies, people involved and awards entries which could be retrieved via the full-text search engine.
Media Resources
設計和設計師的價值 = The value of design
AV Local TV Program [New AV Display] 36512 DVD
"你有否想過,從小如髮夾,到大如建築物,背後也有其設計概念? 設計與日常生活息息相關。 優秀的設計恆久,美觀,方便,甚至可以提升事物的價值,而一切的設計都源自設計師的腦袋。 今集《大學問》請來殿堂級設計師陳幼堅先生,他曾先後獲得超過600個中外奬項, 無數作品早已成為香港人共有的回憶…" -- from RTHK Website
Art in progress = 藝術進行式
[N6490 .A7637 2014 DVD]
介紹世界各個藝術領域的知名人物, 包括 Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Tom Otterness, Julian Schnabel, Robert Wilson, David Lynch, Anish Kapoor.
Globe trekker. Building England
[NA961 .G56 2015 DVD]
The video discovers English building from the early Christian settlements to the Baroque mansions of the 17th century.
New Additions & Trial Databases
BMJ Best Practice
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]
This online resource provides evidence based research, guidelines and expert opinion in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in clinical situation.
Dynamed Plus
[Expiry: 31 Oct 2017]
This resource from EBSCOHealth is a clinical reference tool that physicians go to for answers to clinical questions with contents written by physicians and researchers who synthesize the evidence and provide objective analysis.
[Expiry: 31 Dec 2017]超星期刊目前有國内期刊 6500 種, 其中有 1300 多種核心期刊, 涵蓋内容包括理學、工學、農學、社會科學、文化、教育、哲學、醫學、經濟、管理等各學科。