Newly Acquired Online Video Collections and Databases

To support online teaching and learning activities of the University, the following resources are newly acquired by the Library.

  1. BBC Horizon Collection

  2. BBC Landmark Video Collection

  3. DataCamp

  4. IG Library

  5. O’Reilly

  6. SAGE Research Methods Video

  7. 文泉學堂

  8. 易閱通中國電子書庫 Ereading China E-book Hub

  9. 中國方志庫

  1. BBC Horizon Collection

    The BBC Horizon television programme reveals the science behind a broad range of topics, including astronomy, physics, math, the environment, disease and more. It “tells amazing science stories, unravels mysteries and reveals worlds you’ve never seen before”. Horizon – from


  1. BBC Landmark Video Collection

    This collection features videos from BBC programmes on the natural world, including its popular series such as Planet Earth and Blue Planet.


  1. DataCamp

    It is an online learning platform for data science. DataCamp provides a wide range of data training courses, projects and assessments with different technologies, including Python, R, SQL, and spreadsheets.
    Please register a personal account via the Library website before you can access to the full contents of DataCamp. More details are available here.


  1. IG Library

    It provides access to selected e-books in Business & Economics, mainly published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Nordic Council of Ministers, Commonwealth Secretariat, Business Expert Press, Kogan Page, International Energy Agency (IEA), and J. Ross Publishing, Inc.


  1. O’Reilly

    This platform features a rich collection of e-book titles and videos on various topics, such as programming, IT networking, project management, graphic design, business strategy and so on. There are also proven learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials and audio books.


  1. SAGE Research Methods Video

    The collections provide hundreds of video titles showing research in action to help you build the skills for preparing to conduct original research.

    • SAGE Research Methods Video: Core
      It contains hundreds of tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and more, covering the entire research methods and statistics curriculum. The videos can help to bring methods to life: instead of reading about how to conduct a focus group, you can watch one in action. The topics of videos cover research design, qualitative data collection & data analysis, quantitative data collection & data analysis and tutorials for SPSS, t-test, and more.


    • SAGE Research Methods Video: Practical Research and Academic Skills
      It offers support on the practical skills that you need to successfully complete your research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos.


  1. 文泉學堂

    It is an e-book platform developed by Tsinghua University. It provides over 40,000 e-book titles published in many university presses in China in the past ten years. The subject of e-books covers biology, business, economics and management, engineering technology, literature, language and linguistics, medicine, natural sciences and social sciences.


  1. 易閱通 中國電子書庫 Ereading China E-book Hub

    Developed by China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation, this e-book platform contains academic books published by publishers in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.


  1. 中國方志庫

    中國方志庫 (初集, 二集及三集)contains more than 6,000 pre-modern Chinese local gazetteers from 1229 to 1949, with contents of jurisdictions at national, provincial, town and district levels, as well as other gazetteers on temples, mountains, rivers, etc. This full-text database supports searching by region, title, period, and so on. Images of the original printed contents, including texts, maps, or tables will be displayed side-by-side with the digitised contents.

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