Updates on the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project

With the launch of the new top floor on 6/F, the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project has reached a milestone in July 2022 by expanding the floor area for collaborative learning and quiet study by 2,080m2. New internal bridges have been built to enhance the navigation between North Wing and South Wing from 3/F to 6/F.


The New 6/F of the Library

The new 6/F of the Library, a student-centred space, provides a modern learning environment and facilities that foster a learning community for academic excellence. Key features of the new 6/F to accommodate varied learning styles and activities include:

  • Diverse Space for Studies & Work
    • The group study area and quiet study area are available at South Wing and North Wing respectively, bringing an additional 750 seats when the space is in full swing.
    • Skylights and glass windows bring natural light into the floor and maximise the views of skyline and the surrounding areas, making it a pleasant space to study for long hours.
Assorted tables and chairs for collaborative study Group Study Area at 6/F South Wing
Quiet Study Area at 6/F North Wing Large glass windows at Quiet Study Area (6/F)
Study space with natural light Study area with a spectacular view
    • Facilities for Academic Presentation
      Located at 6/F South Wing, the Forum and the Bubble provide an open platform for students to present their research progress, outstanding work, and unique learning experience. Equipped with a video wall, the Forum with terraced seating can accommodate 60 persons or more. The Bubble is a transparent semi-enclosed space for small-scale academic presentations up to 20 persons. For details and reservation policy, please click here.


The Forum at 6/F South Wing The Bubble at 6/F South Wing
    • Other Collaborative Learning Facilities
      • Four new group rooms equipped with computers, LED monitors and whiteboards designed for small group collaborative work.
      • A self-service projector with HDMI cable for students to connect their device for group discussion or small group presentation.
      • Two semi-enclosed learning pods equipped with LED TVs for collaborative projects.
      • Three dual monitor workstations are available for walk-in students to work on complex tasks on multiple windows.

Come and explore the Library’s most scenic study space now!


Internal Bridges Connecting the North and South Wings

Did you know that internal bridges have been constructed to connect the North and South Wings on the 3/F to 6/F of the Library? The newly constructed internal bridges make the Library’s spaces more visible and accessible to users, and facilitate wayfinding in the Library. The skylight above the internal bridges introduces more natural light into the Library building, creating a welcoming atmosphere for users.




The new service counter and the adjacent area housing the reserve books and audiovisual materials on the Podium Floor were available to users from mid-June 2022. The renovation works on G/F and 3/F are expected to be completed in the summer of 2022. New study space for group and individual quiet study, as well as technology-rich spaces for multimedia project, online learning and creativity will be made available for students and staff subsequently. Discover more information about the LER project here. Stay tuned!

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