Update of the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project
September 11, 2020
The funding proposal for the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project was approved by the Legislative Council’s Finance Committee in July 2020. The project works have commenced in late July 2020. The whole project is set to be completed by the 4th quarter in 2023.
The first phase will include renovation of toilets at the back staircase area, installation of compact shelves on G/F, preparation works for the construction of additional floor (6/F), upgrading of air-conditioning system and replacement of goods lift. Other works, including the construction of internal bridges connecting the North and South Wings (3/F-6/F), upgrading of passenger lifts, renovation of the toilets at front staircase area, renovation and re-purposing of spaces from G/F to 3/F will be completed by phases.
Some works, such as the construction of the additional floor, will require a span of 18-month continuous work period, while most of the other works will be carried out during Summer and Winter Breaks as far as possible to minimize the disturbance to Library users. Major noisy works will be restricted to the hours of 8:30am to 11:30am. No noisy works will be allowed during the Revision and Examination periods.
Alternative quiet study spaces are available during the construction works period at S403 and Z302, while the Library will maintain our regular services.
Please stay tuned to the project updates at https://www.lib.polyu.edu.hk/LER.