Renovation Works in Upcoming Summer

May 17, 2021
This summer, the Library Extension and Revitalisation (LER) Project is going full speed ahead. The construction of an additional floor (6/F) is underway and the following works will start immediately after the examination period of Semester 2 and will be completed in October 2021:
- Construction of internal bridges connecting the North and South Wings;
- Upgrading of two passenger lifts;
- Re-purposing of the space of 1/F and renovation of the new 24-Hour Study Centre at 1/F North Wing; and
- Renovation of the existing toilets at front staircase area, and building new toilets at G/F and 1/F.
Hoardings will be erected in the affected areas and the whole 1/F will be temporarily closed. Books on 1/F, with Call No ranging from L-P and Q-S, will be relocated to G/F in two batches by end of May and end of July respectively. More information will be provided for users on how to request/access to the affected books during the transitional period in due course.
In view of the extent of the works, the inevitable construction noise will occur in affected areas of different floors at times. Major noisy construction works will be carried out during 8:30am – 11:30am (Mon to Sat) as far as possible. Noisy works are not allowed during revision and examination period.
Alternative quiet study spaces are available during the construction works period at S403, V1101 and Z302. Students and Library users may opt to use them for quiet study during the course of the construction works, while Library will maintain our regular services throughout the project period. Before the new 24-Hour Study Centre is ready at 1/F North Wing, temporary overnight study spaces are available for students and staff at CD301-304 and Communal Space after Library closes.
Please stay tuned for the project updates at