Responsive Online Enquiry and Reference Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought great challenges to many around the world. During this unprecedented period of isolation, many are forced to adjust and reevaluate how they live, socialize, work and learn. Likewise, the Library has quickly responded to this highly volatile situation and has continued to provide enquiry and reference services for students and staff via different channels during the Library’s temporary closure. Our Librarians have been attending to enquiries via phone, WhatsApp and email during office hours on and off campus.

From late January to late March 2020, we saw our Librarians handling almost 3 times more for both phone and WhatsApp enquiries compared to the same period last year during term time. Many of the Librarians also enjoyed the chance to connect with our users through casual conversations during this period.

Apart from the general enquiry service, Faculty Librarians have also been providing online consultations for students and staff upon their request as part of our continued effort to support online learning and teaching as well as research during this difficult period. To see how we can best deliver online consultation sessions, our Librarians have explored various online platforms provided by the University such as Skype for Business, Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate. In total, we have conducted over 20 research consultation sessions with students and staff orientation sessions via these online platforms.

We strive to continue providing timely and useful support to users. If you need help with finding and using library resources, please be sure to get in touch with us via the following channels:

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