Winners of VR Contests in 2018/2019

  • VR Contest – Stories from Ancient China 2018/19

Last year, 28 teams of students participated in the VR contest and six of them won the prizes with their outstanding work in July 2019.   In recognition of the exceptionally creative efforts of students in applying VR to stories from ancient China, the winning entries are now showcased at 4/F i-Space of the Library.  You are welcome to try out the winning entries by making an appointment of the VR Experience Zone (4/F i-Space) at iBooking!

The champion entry, the Chinese Tea Culture, will be showcased in the International Children VR Film Fest held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October this year.

Award / Photo Project Title Participant(s)
Champion / Upper right Chinese Tea Culture
WONG, Wai Yan (COMP)
1st Runner-up / Middle right Battle of Red Cliffs – Showdown at Wulin
(赤壁之戰: 決戰烏林)
LEUNG, Chun Kit (EIE)
KWOK, Ho Shing (EIE)
2nd Runner-up / Lower right The dashing damper – Pan an (潘安實在太帥了) LO, King Chi (BRE)
TSANG, Hon Fung (BRE)
LAW, Ka Kit (BRE)


  • Inter-secondary School VR Contest 2018/2019

Together with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering (EIE), the Library co-organized the first “Inter-secondary School Virtual Reality Contest – Stories from Ancient China” between November 2018 and June 2019 to promote VR technology and STEM education in the local educational sector. A total of twelve secondary schools participated in the Contest.  In the first half of 2019, teams of students, together with their teachers, attended training sessions provided by EIE.  On 13 July 2019, a ceremony was held in the Library’s i-Space for the judging panel comprising staff from EIE and the Library to present certificates and award prizes to the winning teams from five secondary schools.  The contest and the i-Space facilities were reported in the local magazine “e-Zone” in August 2019 (issue no. 1096, p48-50).

Award / Photo Project Title School Name Team Members
Champion / Upper right Mongol Siege of Diaoyu Castle
Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School
Lee Hiu Fung
Tin Yu Sum Marco
Wong Chi Shing
Leung Chun Yui
1st Runner-up / Middle right Confucius Stranded on the Road from Chen to Cai
Pak Kau College
Chan Hau Ki Isabella
Guan Jiahao
Lam Cho Kiu
2nd Runner-up / Lower right Yuanmingyuan
Munsang College
(民生書院 )
Wu Chun Ming
Chan Yan Tak
Tang Ho Chun
Lau Yui

Student contestants exchanging idea and sharing VR experience at i-Space