Citation Search

Who is Citing Your Research?

  • Cited Reference Search on Web of Science (includes the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities) is the most popular tool to find out who has cited your work. See tutorial for comprehensive cited reference searching.
  • Scopus also provides information of citing documents since 1996.
  • Google Scholar, a free web search engine, can also be used to identify cited references.

Want to learn more?

The Library regularly holds workshops on various topics to sharpen your research techniques. To learn more about using Web of Science or Scopus, you may join the workshops LS011 – ISI Web of Science Citation Databases or LS038 - Scopus for Sciences and Social Sciences Researchers.  And the workshop LS037 - Using Bibliometric Tools to Evaluate Research Impact will compare the results found from various citation analysis tools such as Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Report and Scopus, and explore effective strategies to utilize such tools.

You may also contact your Faculty Librarian to arrange a tailored workshop to all interested staff in your department.

Needs for Citation Verifications?

PolyU faculty members who are applying for fellowships from academic bodies and need to have their citation search results verified can complete the request form (MS Word format) and send it to their Faculty Librarian. Please allow around two weeks’ time (10 working days) for processing.

Citation Search Service

The Library offers citation search service to faculty members who want to find out how many times their publications have been cited. Librarians will use Web of Science to trace cited references and report to the requester of the result, such as:

  • A count of the number of times an author's work is cited
  • A list of the source documents in which an author's work is cited

PolyU faculty members who need assistance in doing a cited reference search should complete the request form (MS Word format) and send it to your Faculty Librarian and allow around 10 to 15 days (depending on the volume of work) for processing the requests. Generally, a faculty member should prepare a list of his/her publications for citation checking.