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  • Tools to Get You Connected With the Library
  • It is easy to stay updated on an incredibly wide variety of topics about the Library by social networking tools!

     PolyULibrary’s Channel

    It keeps you updated on what is happening inside the Library and tips for using the Library’s resources.


     Follow Us on Twitter

    It enables you to get short and timely notices of new services, workshops, announcements and special arrangements of the Library.

  • Library Resources Exhibition: Wisdom of Rivers (16-30 November 2010)


    The Library proudly presented the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 《清明上河圖》 of Northern Song Dynasty (art reproduction) together with a slide collection of western paintings inspired by rivers of the centuries from 16 to 30 November 2010.

    The exhibition attracted a lot of library users as it was the hottest topic in the city. The juxtaposition of the river’s paintings from the East and the West enabled our viewers to travel through space and time, together with artifacts like the Slide Carousel Projector which our students found it very interesting. The exhibition was a successful one which generated lots of interest on the subject, as shown by the positive feedbacks received on the guestbook. It provided us a good opportunity to promote the Library’s collection in the Media Services Section including slides, CD-ROM, DVDs and the Special Collections Section including closed stack and rare book collections.

