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  • 文淵閣四庫全書電子版【網上版】
  • 《四庫全書》是清代乾隆年間官修的、規模龐大的百科叢書。它彙集了從先秦到清代早期的歷代主要典籍,共收錄3,460多種圖書,全書分為經、史、子、集四部,內容涵蓋廣博,包括哲學、歷史、政治、藝術、文學、經濟、法律、軍事、醫學、天文、地理、科技、農業及術數等,是研究中華五千年歷史文化的瑰寶。 電子版以《景印文淵閣四庫全書》為底本,由上海人民出版社和迪志文化出版有限公司合作出版。


  • New Resources Available at ISI Web of Knowledge (Wok)
  • ISI Web of Knowledge (WoK) is one of the premier platforms for research information in sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. The following additional resources are relatively new in the WoK site.

    Essential Science Indicators

    It is an in-depth analytical tool offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals.

    • Explore science performance statistics and science trends data, based on journal article publication counts and citation data
    • Determine research output and impact in specific fields of research
    • Evaluate potential employees, collaborators, reviewers, and peers

    Scientific WebPlus

    Find scientifically relevant Web content fast! Search the open Web and quickly see the most relevant content for the topics you care about, with Scientific WebPlus.


    BiologyBrowser offers access to evaluated and curated digital resources of interest to the scientific researcher.

    Index to Organism Names (ION)

    ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Thomson Reuters' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Thomson Reuters databases such as BIOSIS Previews® and Biological Abstracts®.


    It is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. With a unique identifier assigned to each author in ResearcherID, you can eliminate author misidentification and view an author’s citation metrics instantly. Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world.

    Science Watch

    It is weekly tracking of hot or emerging papers and research fronts in this Web resource for science metrics and analysis. It includes interviews, first-person essays, podcasts, and profiles from scientists, journals, institutions, and nations, selected using Essential Science IndicatorsSM from Thomson Reuters.

    # The above information is from the Web of Knowledge
